Spring Boot Microservices Tutorial


This page contains a list of Microservices tutorials using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

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What are Microservices?

Microservices are a software architectural style in which a large application is built as a collection of small, independent services that communicate with each other over a network.

Each service is a self-contained unit of functionality that can be developed, tested, and deployed independently of the other services. This allows for more flexibility and scalability than a monolithic architecture, where all the functionality is contained in a single, large codebase.

Microservices can be written in different programming languages and use different technologies as long as they can communicate with each other through a common API.

Microservices are designed to be loosely coupled, meaning that changes to one service should not affect the other services. This makes it easier to update, maintain, and scale the application. Microservices architecture is best suited for large and complex applications that need to handle a high volume of traffic and be scaled horizontally.

Key Components of a Microservices Architecture

  1. Core Services: Each service is a self-contained unit of functionality that can be developed, tested, and deployed independently of the other services.
  2. Service registry: A service registry is a database of all the services in the system, along with their locations and capabilities. It allows services to discover and communicate with each other.
  3. API Gateway: An API gateway is a single entry point for all incoming requests to the microservices. It acts as a reverse proxy, routing requests to the appropriate service and handling tasks such as authentication and rate limiting.
  4. Message bus: A message bus is a messaging system that allows services to communicate asynchronously with each other. This can be done through protocols like HTTP, RabbitMQ, or Kafka.
  5. Monitoring and logging: Monitoring and logging are necessary to track the health of the services and troubleshoot problems.
  6. Service discovery and load balancing: This component is responsible for discovering service instances and directing traffic to the appropriate service instances based on load and availability.
  7. Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD): To make the development and deployment process of microservices as smooth as possible, it is recommended to use a tool such as Jenkins, TravisCI, or CircleCI to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying microservices.

Microservices Tutorials/Guides Using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

Introduction to Microservices

What Are Microservices in Spring Boot?

Is Microservices a Framework?

What are Microservices and How to Build Microservices in Java?

How to Create Microservices in Java Using Spring Boot

Spring Boot Microservices Architecture

What is Spring Cloud?

Microservices Communication

Spring Boot Microservices Communication Example using RestTemplate

Spring Boot Microservices Communication Example using WebClient

Spring Boot Microservices Communication Example using Spring Cloud Open Feign

Configuration and Service Discovery

Spring Boot Microservices - Spring Cloud Config Server

Spring Boot Microservices - Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka-based Service Registry

API Gateway

Spring Boot Microservices - Spring Cloud API Gateway

Spring Boot Microservices API Gateway with Automatic Routes Mapping

Spring Cloud API Gateway Global Filter Example - Spring Boot Microservices

Event-Driven Microservices

Event-Driven Microservices using Spring Boot and Kafka

Spring Boot Microservices with RabbitMQ Example

Spring Boot Microservices with Apache Kafka Example

Spring Boot Microservices REST API Example

Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Stream Example

Microservices Project

Microservices Project using Spring Boot

Spring Boot Microservices E-Commerce Project: Step-by-Step Tutorial


Mocking Feign Client in Spring Boot Microservices

Docker Integration

Spring Boot Microservices with Docker Tutorial

Spring Boot Microservices with Docker Example

Spring Boot Microservices with Docker Compose Example

Spring Cloud Tutorials

Spring Cloud Config Example Tutorial

Spring Cloud OpenFeign Example Tutorial

Spring Cloud LoadBalancer Example - Client-Side Load Balancing 

Spring Cloud Gateway Tutorial

Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Securing Spring Boot Microservices

Spring Boot Microservices Security with JWT Authentication

Secure Spring Boot Microservices with Keycloak

Securing Spring Boot Microservices with OAuth2

Microservices with Client

Angular Spring Boot Microservices Example

React JS + Spring Boot Microservices Tutorial

Spring Boot Microservices Shopping Cart Project

Part 1 - Spring Boot Microservices Shopping Cart Example

Part 2 - Spring Cloud OpenFeign

Part 3 - Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka

Best Practices

Best Practices for Spring Boot Microservices

Java Spring Boot Best Practices

Spring Boot Microservices Design Patterns

Saga Design Pattern in Spring Boot Microservices

Spring Boot Microservices Architecture

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