Spring Boot Kafka Event-Driven Microservices Tutorial

In this series, you will learn how to build a simple Event-Driven Microservices application using Spring Boot and Apache Kafka. 

Basically, you will learn how to use Apache Kafka as a message broker for Asynchronous communication between multiple microservices.

If you want to use Apache Kafka in Spring boot event-driven microservices then this course is useful to you.

What is the Spring Boot?

Spring Boot is an opinionated framework that helps developers build Spring-based applications quickly and easily. The main goal of Spring Boot is to quickly create Spring-based applications without requiring developers to write the same boilerplate configuration again and again.

What is Apache Kafka?

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications.

Tools and Technologies used in this course:


  • Java 8+

  • Spring Boot

  • Spring MVC

  • Spring Data JPA ( Hibernate)

  • Tomcat

Messaging Broker:

  • Apache Kafka


  • Intellij IDEA


  • MySQL database


  • Postman - Test REST APIs

  • Maven - Build Tool

Spring Boot Kafka Event-Driven Microservices Tutorial

Start from the first lecture:

Spring Boot Kafka Microservices - #1 - Course Overview 


Spring Boot 3 Paid Course Published for Free
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