R Programs with Output

Welcome to our curated collection of R programs! R is a powerful statistical programming language that has seen immense growth and has become the go-to for data scientists, statisticians, and researchers worldwide. As the R ecosystem has grown, so has the variety and depth of tasks it can handle. 

Here, we've assembled a comprehensive list of R programs, each accompanied by a detailed blog post. Whether you're a beginner looking to dip your toes into the world of R or an experienced programmer seeking specific solutions or refreshers on certain topics, our collection promises something for everyone. 

Navigate through the links, explore the programs, and dive deep into the world of R programming. Happy coding!

Basic Arithmetic Operations

R Program to Print Hello World
R Program to Add Two Numbers
R Program to Subtract Two Numbers
R Program to Multiply Two Numbers
R Program to Divide Two Numbers
R Program to Calculate Remainder

Conditional Statements and Loops

R Program to Check if a Number is Even or Odd
R Program to Find Maximum of Two Numbers
R Program to Find Minimum of Two Numbers
R Program to Calculate Factorial of a Number
R Program to Print Fibonacci Sequence
R Program to Check Prime Number

Mathematical Calculations

R Program to Calculate the Area of a Circle
R Program to Calculate the Area of a Rectangle
R Program to Calculate the Area of a Triangle
R Program to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
R Program to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
R Program to Find Roots of Quadratic Equation
R Program to Perform Matrix Multiplication

String Manipulations

R Program to Reverse a String
R Program to Calculate String Length
R Program to Count Vowels and Consonants in a String
R Program to Perform String Concatenation
R Program to Replace Substring in a String
R Program to Split a String into Words
R Program to Convert Uppercase to Lowercase
R Program to Convert Lowercase to Uppercase

Data Structures

R Program to Find the Largest Element in a Vector
R Program to Sort Elements of a Vector
R Program to Implement Bubble Sort
R Program to Implement Selection Sort
R Program to Implement Insertion Sort
R Program to Search an Element in a Vector using Binary Search
R Program to Calculate Standard Deviation
R Program to Generate Random Numbers
R Program to Perform Linear Regression

Data Visualization

R Program to Create a Histogram
R Program to Create a Boxplot
R Program to Create a Scatterplot

Working with Dataframes

R Program to Merge Two Dataframes
R Program to Rename Columns in a Dataframe
R Program to Add Rows to a Dataframe
R Program to Add Columns to a Dataframe
R Program to Drop Rows from a Dataframe
R Program to Drop Columns from a Dataframe

Data Conversion

R Program to Convert a List to a Vector
R Program to Convert a Vector to a List


R Program to Implement Simple Calculator
R Program to Calculate Power of a Number
R Program to Check if a Number is Positive, Negative or Zero
R Program to Generate Prime Numbers up to N
R Program to Check for Armstrong Number
R Program to Find GCD of Two Numbers
R Program to Find LCM of Two Numbers
R Program to Display Date and Time
R Program to Get Input from User
R Program to Concatenate Two Vectors
R Program to Check if an Element Exists in a Vector
R Program to Remove Duplicates from a Vector
R Program to Implement Stack
R Program to Implement Queue
R Program to Find Sum of Vector Elements
