This tutorial is designed for Java experienced programmers. The source code examples from this up-to-date tutorial are developed using JDK 8 or later and well-tested on our local development environment.
If you are a beginner then you should check out this core Java tutorial for beginners.
If you are a beginner then you should check out this core Java tutorial for beginners.
Core Java Tutorial for Beginners (Should check out this tutorial)
This Core Java Tutorial for Beginners is a complete core Java tutorial course designed from end-to-end with all core Java topics with lots of examples.Collections Framework Core Interfaces & Classes
- Collections Framework in Java
- Collections Framework - The Collection Interface
- Collections Framework - The Set Interface
- Collections Framework - The SortedSet Interface
- Collections Framework - The List Interface
- Collections Framework - The Queue Interface
- Collections Framework - The Deque Interface
- Collections Framework - The Map Interface
- Collections Framework - The SortedMap Interface
- Collections Framework - ArrayList Class
- Collections Framework - LinkedList Class
- Collections Framework - CopyOnWriteArrayList
- Collections Framework - HashSet Class
- Collections Framework - LinkedHashSet Class
- Collections Framework - TreeSet Class
- Collections Framework - CopyOnWriteArraySet
- Collections Framework - EnumSet
- Collections Framework - HashMap Class
- Collections Framework - LinkedHashMap Class
- Collections Framework - TreeMap class
- Collections Framework - EnumMap
- Collections Framework - WeakHashMap
- Collections Framework - IdentityHashMap
Convert Collections Examples
- Conversion Between Array and Set in Java
- Conversion Between Array and List in Java
- Java Convert Map to Set Example
- Java Convert Map to List Example
- Java Convert Map to Array Example
- Convert a Map to an Array, List, and Set in Java
- Java 8 Convert List to Map Example
- Java 8 - Merging Two Maps Example
- Java Convert Array to String [Snippet]
Collections Examples
- Java LinkedHashMap Example
- Java HashSet Example
- Java LinkedList Example
- Java ArrayList Example
- Java Comparator Interface Example
- Java Comparable Interface Example
- Java IdentityHashMap Example
- Java WeakHashMap Example
- Java EnumMap Example
- Java CopyOnWriteArraySet Example
- Java EnumSet Class Example
- Guide to Java 8 forEach Method
- Different Ways to Iterate over a List in Java [Snippet]
- Different Ways to Iterate over a Set in Java [Snippet]
- Different Ways to Iterate over a Map in Java [Snippet]
- Iterate over TreeSet in Java Example
- Iterate over LinkedHashSet in Java Example
- Remove the First and Last Elements of LinkedList in Java
- Iterate over LinkedList using an Iterator in Java
- Search an Element in an ArrayList in Java
- Iterate over ArrayList using Iterator in Java
- Remove Element from HashSet in Java
- Iterating over a HashSet using Iterator
- How To Remove Duplicate Elements From ArrayList In Java?
- Different Ways to Iterate over List, Set, and Map in Java
Collections Differences
- Difference Between List and Set in Java
- Difference Between Collection and Collections in Java
- Difference Between Array and ArrayList in Java
- Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList in Java
- Difference Between HashSet and LinkedHashSet in Java
- Difference Between HashSet and TreeSet in Java
- HashSet vs LinkedHashSet vs TreeSet in Java
- Difference Between HashMap and HashTable in Java
- Difference Between HashSet and HashMap in Java
- HashMap vs LinkedHashMap in Java
- Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap, and TreeMap in Java
- Collections vs Streams in Java
Learn more about Java Collections on Java Collections Tutorial
Java Generics Tutorial (for development)
- Java Generics - Generics Basics
- Java Generics - Benefits of Generics
- Java Generics - Generic Types
- Java Generics - Generic Methods in Java
- Java Generics - Bounded Type Parameters
- Java Generics - Wildcards
- Java Generic Methods Examples
- Java Generic Interface Examples
- Java Generic Class Examples
- Java Generics Multiple Type Parameters Example
String Handling Tutorial (for development)
- Java String: A Guide to String Basics, Methods, Immutability, Performance, and Best Practices
- Java String Class API Guide - Covers all the String Methods
- When to Use String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder in Java
- String vs StringBuilder vs StringBuffer in Java
- Best Way to Reverse a String in Java
- Guide to Java String Constant Pool
- Guide to String Best Practices in Java (Best Practice)
- String Special Operations with Examples
- String Comparison Methods with Examples
- String Methods for Character Extraction
- String Searching Methods with Examples
- String Modifying Methods with Examples
- Java 8 StringJoiner Class
Java Reflection Tutorial
Core Java API Packages Tutorials ( for Development)
>> Java API Guides (Core Library API Guides)
>> Java SQL Package Tutorial (Core Classes and Interfaces of JDBC SQL Package)
>> Java Lang Package Tutorial (Core Classes and Interfaces of Java Lang Package)
>> Java Util Package Tutorial (Core Classes and Interfaces of Java Util Package)
>> Java Lang Reflect Package Tutorial (Core Classes and Interfaces of Java Lang Reflection Package)
>> Java Time Package Tutorial (Core Classes and Interfaces of Java Date Time Package)
>> Java IO Package Tutorial (Core Classes and Interfaces of Java IO Package)
Java best practices
- Java Enums and Annotations Best Practices
- Java Generics Best Practices
- JUnit Framework Best Practices
- Single Responsibility Principle
- Liskov's Substitution Principle
- Interface Segregation Principle
- Dependency Inversion Principle
- Open Closed Principle
- Oops principles in Java
- Restful API Best Practices
- JSP Best Practices
- JDBC Best Practices
- Collection Best Practices
- String Best Practices in Java
- Exception Handling Best Practices
- Synchronization Best Practices
- Guide to JDBC Best Practices
- Serialization Best Practices
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