Sublime Text Cheat Sheet for Windows


Mastering Sublime Text keyboard shortcuts is essential for improving your workflow. This cheat sheet provides a quick reference to the most commonly used Sublime Text keyboard shortcuts for Windows.

Sublime Text Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet


Action Windows
Command Palette Ctrl + Shift + P
Open File Ctrl + O
Save File Ctrl + S
Save All Ctrl + Alt + S
New File Ctrl + N
Close File Ctrl + W
Close All Files Ctrl + Shift + W
Reopen Closed File Ctrl + Shift + T
Toggle Sidebar Ctrl + K, Ctrl + B


Action Windows
Cut Line Ctrl + X
Copy Line Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Duplicate Line Ctrl + Shift + D
Delete Line Ctrl + Shift + K
Move Line Up Ctrl + Shift + Up
Move Line Down Ctrl + Shift + Down
Split Selection into Lines Ctrl + Shift + L
Select Word Ctrl + D
Select Line Ctrl + L
Select Scope Ctrl + Shift + Space
Expand Selection to Line Ctrl + Shift + L
Indent Line Ctrl + ]
Unindent Line Ctrl + [
Toggle Comment Ctrl + /
Toggle Block Comment Ctrl + Shift + /
Action Windows
Go to Anything/Quick Open Ctrl + P
Go to Line Ctrl + G
Go to Symbol Ctrl + R
Go to Definition F12
Scroll Line Up Ctrl + Up
Scroll Line Down Ctrl + Down
Scroll Page Up Alt + PgUp
Scroll Page Down Alt + PgDn
Next File Ctrl + Tab
Previous File Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Toggle Full Screen F11
Toggle Distraction Free Mode Shift + F11

Find and Replace

Action Windows
Find Ctrl + F
Find Next F3
Find Previous Shift + F3
Replace Ctrl + H
Replace Next Ctrl + Shift + H
Quick Find Alt + F3
Quick Find All Ctrl + Alt + Enter
Incremental Find Ctrl + I
Find in Files Ctrl + Shift + F

Split Window and Tabs

Action Windows
New View into File Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P
Split View into Columns Alt + Shift + 2
Split View into Rows Alt + Shift + 8
Focus Group Ctrl + 1/2/3/...
Move the File to Group Ctrl + Shift + 1/2/3/...


Action Windows
Open Console Ctrl + `
Build Ctrl + B
Build and Run Ctrl + Shift + B
Show Scope Ctrl + Shift + P, S
Show Definition Alt + .
Show Overlay Ctrl + Shift + P
Open Command Prompt Ctrl + Shift + C


This cheat sheet provides a quick reference to the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Sublime Text for Windows, helping you navigate and operate your development environment more efficiently. Keep this guide handy to enhance your productivity and streamline your coding workflow. Happy coding!
