Redis Commands Cheat Sheet


Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker. It supports various data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and more. Mastering Redis commands is essential for efficiently managing and utilizing Redis. This cheat sheet provides a quick reference to some of the most commonly used Redis commands.

Redis Commands Cheat Sheet

Key Management

Command Description Syntax Example
SET Sets the value of a key. SET key value SET name "Alice"
GET Gets the value of a key. GET key GET name
DEL Deletes a key. DEL key DEL name
EXISTS Checks if a key exists. EXISTS key EXISTS name
EXPIRE Sets a timeout on a key. EXPIRE key seconds EXPIRE name 60
TTL Gets the remaining time to live of a key. TTL key TTL name
KEYS Finds all keys matching a pattern. KEYS pattern KEYS user:*
RENAME Renames a key. RENAME old_key new_key RENAME name full_name

String Commands

Command Description Syntax Example
APPEND Appends a value to a key. APPEND key value APPEND name "Smith"
STRLEN Gets the length of the value stored in a key. STRLEN key STRLEN name
INCR Increments the value of a key by one. INCR key INCR age
DECR Decrements the value of a key by one. DECR key DECR age
MGET Gets the values of all the given keys. MGET key1 key2 ... MGET name age
MSET Sets multiple keys to multiple values. MSET key1 value1 key2 value2 ... MSET name "Alice" age 30

Hash Commands

Command Description Syntax Example
HSET Sets the value of a field in a hash. HSET key field value HSET user:1000 name "Alice"
HGET Gets the value of a field in a hash. HGET key field HGET user:1000 name
HDEL Deletes one or more fields in a hash. HDEL key field1 field2 ... HDEL user:1000 name
HLEN Gets the number of fields in a hash. HLEN key HLEN user:1000
HGETALL Gets all the fields and values in a hash. HGETALL key HGETALL user:1000
HEXISTS Checks if a field exists in a hash. HEXISTS key field HEXISTS user:1000 name

List Commands

Command Description Syntax Example
LPUSH Inserts a value at the head of a list. LPUSH key value LPUSH friends "Alice"
RPUSH Inserts a value at the tail of a list. RPUSH key value RPUSH friends "Bob"
LPOP Removes and returns the first element of a list. LPOP key LPOP friends
RPOP Removes and returns the last element of a list. RPOP key RPOP friends
LLEN Gets the length of a list. LLEN key LLEN friends
LRANGE Gets a range of elements from a list. LRANGE key start stop LRANGE friends 0 -1

Set Commands

Command Description Syntax Example
SADD Adds one or more members to a set. SADD key member1 member2 ... SADD skills "Python" "SQL"
SREM Removes one or more members from a set. SREM key member1 member2 ... SREM skills "SQL"
SMEMBERS Gets all the members in a set. SMEMBERS key SMEMBERS skills
SISMEMBER Checks if a member exists in a set. SISMEMBER key member SISMEMBER skills "Python"
SCARD Gets the number of members in a set. SCARD key SCARD skills
SUNION Returns the union of multiple sets. SUNION key1 key2 ... SUNION set1 set2

Sorted Set Commands

Command Description Syntax Example
ZADD Adds one or more members to a sorted set, or updates its score if it already exists. ZADD key score1 member1 score2 member2 ... ZADD leaderboard 100 "Alice" 90 "Bob"
ZREM Removes one or more members from a sorted set. ZREM key member1 member2 ... ZREM leaderboard "Bob"
ZSCORE Gets the score of a member in a sorted set. ZSCORE key member ZSCORE leaderboard "Alice"
ZRANGE Gets a range of members in a sorted set by index. ZRANGE key start stop ZRANGE leaderboard 0 -1
ZRANK Gets the rank of a member in a sorted set. ZRANK key member ZRANK leaderboard "Alice"
ZCARD Gets the number of members in a sorted set. ZCARD key ZCARD leaderboard

Transaction Commands

Command Description Syntax Example
MULTI Starts a transaction block. MULTI MULTI
EXEC Executes all commands issued after MULTI. EXEC EXEC
DISCARD Discards all commands issued after MULTI. DISCARD DISCARD
WATCH Watches one or more keys for changes. WATCH key1 key2 ... WATCH balance
UNWATCH Unwatches all keys previously watched by the WATCH command. UNWATCH UNWATCH

Pub/Sub Commands

Command Description Syntax Example
PUBLISH Posts a message to a channel. PUBLISH channel message PUBLISH news "Breaking News"
SUBSCRIBE Subscribes to one or more channels. SUBSCRIBE channel1 channel2 ... SUBSCRIBE news sports
UNSUBSCRIBE Unsubscribes from one or more channels. UNSUBSCRIBE channel1 channel2 ... UNSUBSCRIBE news
PSUBSCRIBE Subscribes to channels that match a pattern. PSUBSCRIBE pattern PSUBSCRIBE news*
PUNSUBSCRIBE Unsubscribes from channels that match a pattern. PUNSUBSCRIBE pattern PUNSUBSCRIBE news*

Server Commands

Command Description Syntax Example
INFO Provides information and statistics about the server. INFO INFO
CONFIG GET Gets the value of a configuration parameter. CONFIG GET parameter CONFIG GET maxmemory
CONFIG SET Sets a configuration parameter to the given value. CONFIG SET parameter value CONFIG SET maxmemory 256mb
SAVE Synchronously saves the dataset to disk. SAVE SAVE
BGSAVE Asynchronously saves the dataset to disk. BGSAVE BGSAVE
FLUSHDB Deletes all keys in the current database. FLUSHDB FLUSHDB
FLUSHALL Deletes all keys in all databases. FLUSHALL FLUSHALL


Mastering Redis commands is essential for efficiently managing and utilizing Redis. This cheat sheet provides a quick reference to some of the most commonly used commands, helping you navigate and operate your Redis instances more effectively. Keep this guide handy to make the most of Redis. Happy coding!
