Kotlin String capitalize

The capitalize function in Kotlin is used to convert the first character of a string to uppercase. This function belongs to the String class in the Kotlin standard library and provides a straightforward way to capitalize the first letter of a string while keeping the rest of the string unchanged.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. capitalize Function Syntax
  3. Understanding capitalize
  4. Examples
    • Basic Usage
    • Handling Already Capitalized Strings
    • Using capitalize with Different Character Cases
  5. Real-World Use Case
  6. Conclusion


The capitalize function converts the first character of a string to uppercase and leaves the rest of the string unchanged. This is useful for formatting strings, especially for titles, headings, and user inputs.

capitalize Function Syntax

The syntax for the capitalize function is as follows:

fun String.capitalize(): String


  • This function does not take any parameters.


  • A new string with the first character converted to uppercase.

Understanding capitalize

The capitalize function creates a new string where the first character of the original string is converted to its uppercase equivalent. If the first character is already uppercase or if the string is empty, the original string is returned unchanged.


Basic Usage

To demonstrate the basic usage of capitalize, we will create a string and capitalize its first letter.


fun main() {
    val text = "hello, world!"
    val capitalizedText = text.capitalize()
    println("Original text: $text")
    println("Capitalized text: $capitalizedText")


Original text: hello, world!
Capitalized text: Hello, world!

Handling Already Capitalized Strings

This example shows how capitalize handles strings that already have the first letter capitalized.


fun main() {
    val text = "Hello, World!"
    val capitalizedText = text.capitalize()
    println("Original text: $text")
    println("Capitalized text: $capitalizedText")


Original text: Hello, World!
Capitalized text: Hello, World!

Using capitalize with Different Character Cases

This example demonstrates how capitalize handles strings with different character cases.


fun main() {
    val text1 = "kotlin"
    val text2 = "KOTLIN"
    val text3 = "kOtLiN"

    println("Original text1: $text1, Capitalized: ${text1.capitalize()}")
    println("Original text2: $text2, Capitalized: ${text2.capitalize()}")
    println("Original text3: $text3, Capitalized: ${text3.capitalize()}")


Original text1: kotlin, Capitalized: Kotlin
Original text2: KOTLIN, Capitalized: KOTLIN
Original text3: kOtLiN, Capitalized: KOtLiN

Real-World Use Case

Formatting User Input

In real-world applications, the capitalize function can be used to format user input, such as capitalizing the first letter of names or titles.


fun main() {
    val userInput = "john doe"
    val formattedInput = userInput.split(" ").joinToString(" ") { it.capitalize() }

    println("Original input: $userInput")
    println("Formatted input: $formattedInput")


Original input: john doe
Formatted input: John Doe


The capitalize function in Kotlin's String class is a convenient method for converting the first character of a string to uppercase. It provides a simple way to format strings for various use cases, including titles, headings, and user inputs. 

By understanding and using this function, you can effectively manage string capitalization in your Kotlin applications.
