Kotlin Duration


In Kotlin, the Duration class represents a span of time. It is part of the kotlin.time package and is used to handle time-based operations in a type-safe manner. The Duration class provides various methods to create, manipulate, and measure durations in different units like seconds, minutes, hours, and more.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Duration?
  2. Creating a Duration
  3. Common Functions
  4. Examples of Duration
  5. Real-World Use Case
  6. Conclusion

1. What is Duration?

The Duration class in Kotlin represents a time-based duration. It supports different units of time, including nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, and days. It provides methods for creating, comparing, and manipulating durations.


class Duration

2. Creating a Duration

You can create a Duration using various factory methods provided by the Duration class.


import kotlin.time.Duration
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.minutes
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds

val duration1 = Duration.seconds(30) // 30 seconds
val duration2 = 5.minutes // 5 minutes

3. Common Functions

Creating Durations

  • seconds(value: Long): Creates a Duration representing the specified number of seconds.
  • minutes(value: Long): Creates a Duration representing the specified number of minutes.
  • hours(value: Long): Creates a Duration representing the specified number of hours.
  • days(value: Long): Creates a Duration representing the specified number of days.

Arithmetic Operations

  • plus(other: Duration): Adds two durations.
  • minus(other: Duration): Subtracts one duration from another.
  • times(scale: Double): Multiplies the duration by a scalar.
  • div(scale: Double): Divides the duration by a scalar.

Conversion Functions

  • inSeconds: Converts the duration to seconds.
  • inMinutes: Converts the duration to minutes.
  • inHours: Converts the duration to hours.
  • inDays: Converts the duration to days.

Comparison Functions

  • compareTo(other: Duration): Compares two durations.
  • isPositive(): Checks if the duration is positive.
  • isNegative(): Checks if the duration is negative.
  • isZero(): Checks if the duration is zero.

4. Examples of Duration

Example 1: Basic Usage of Duration

This example demonstrates how to create and use a basic Duration.

import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds

fun main() {
    val duration = 30.seconds
    println("Duration: $duration") // Output: Duration: 30s


Duration: 30s

This example creates a Duration of 30 seconds and prints it.

Example 2: Adding Durations

This example demonstrates how to add two durations.

import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.minutes
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds

fun main() {
    val duration1 = 1.minutes
    val duration2 = 30.seconds
    val totalDuration = duration1 + duration2
    println("Total Duration: $totalDuration") // Output: Total Duration: 1m 30s


Total Duration: 1m 30s

This example adds 1 minute and 30 seconds to get a total duration of 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Example 3: Converting Durations

This example demonstrates how to convert a duration to different units.

import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.hours

fun main() {
    val duration = 2.hours
    println("Duration in minutes: ${duration.inMinutes}") // Output: Duration in minutes: 120.0
    println("Duration in seconds: ${duration.inSeconds}") // Output: Duration in seconds: 7200.0


Duration in minutes: 120.0
Duration in seconds: 7200.0

This example converts a duration of 2 hours to minutes and seconds.

Example 4: Comparing Durations

This example demonstrates how to compare two durations.

import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.days
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.hours

fun main() {
    val duration1 = 1.days
    val duration2 = 24.hours
    println("Are the durations equal? ${duration1 == duration2}") // Output: Are the durations equal? true


Are the durations equal? true

This example compares a duration of 1 day with a duration of 24 hours and checks if they are equal.

Example 5: Checking Duration Properties

This example demonstrates how to check if a duration is positive, negative, or zero.

import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds

fun main() {
    val duration = (-30).seconds
    println("Is duration positive? ${duration.isPositive()}") // Output: Is duration positive? false
    println("Is duration negative? ${duration.isNegative()}") // Output: Is duration negative? true
    println("Is duration zero? ${duration.isZero()}") // Output: Is duration zero? false


Is duration positive? false
Is duration negative? true
Is duration zero? false

This example checks if a duration of -30 seconds is positive, negative, or zero.

5. Real-World Use Case: Measuring Execution Time

You can use Duration to measure the execution time of a block of code.

Example: Measuring Execution Time

import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis

fun main() {
    val duration = measureTimeMillis {
        // Simulate a task by sleeping for 1 second
    println("Task completed in $duration ms") // Output: Task completed in 1000 ms


Task completed in 1000 ms

This example measures the execution time of a block of code that simulates a task by sleeping for 1 second.


The Duration class in Kotlin is a powerful and flexible way to represent and manipulate time-based durations. It is part of the Kotlin standard library and provides essential operations for creating, comparing, converting, and manipulating durations in different units. Understanding and utilizing the Duration class can greatly enhance your ability to work with time-based operations in Kotlin.
