Kotlin Char Class


In Kotlin, the Char class represents a single 16-bit Unicode character. It is used to store and manipulate individual characters. The Char class provides various methods and properties to work with characters effectively.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the Char Class?
  2. Creating Char Values
  3. Char Operations
  4. Char Functions
  5. Examples of Char
  6. Real-World Use Case
  7. Conclusion

1. What is the Char Class?

The Char class in Kotlin represents a single character. It is a 16-bit Unicode character, meaning it can represent any character in the Unicode standard. Characters are enclosed in single quotes, e.g., 'A', '1', '$'.

2. Creating Char Values

You can create Char values directly by using single quotes around a character.


val a: Char = 'A'
val b = '1'
val c = '

3. Char Operations

Kotlin supports various operations on Char values, including comparison, increment/decrement, and arithmetic operations.

Comparison Operations

  • == (Equal to)
  • != (Not equal to)
  • < (Less than)
  • > (Greater than)
  • <= (Less than or equal to)
  • >= (Greater than or equal to)


fun main() {
    val a: Char = 'A'
    val b: Char = 'B'

    println("a == b: ${a == b}")
    println("a != b: ${a != b}")
    println("a < b: ${a < b}")
    println("a > b: ${a > b}")
    println("a <= b: ${a <= b}")
    println("a >= b: ${a >= b}")

Increment/Decrement Operations

  • ++ (Increment)
  • -- (Decrement)


fun main() {
    var a: Char = 'A'
    println("a after increment: $a") // Output: B

    println("a after decrement: $a") // Output: A

Arithmetic Operations

You can perform arithmetic operations by converting Char to Int.


fun main() {
    val a: Char = 'A'
    val b: Char = 'B'

    val result = a.toInt() + b.toInt()
    println("Sum of 'A' and 'B' as Int: $result")

4. Char Functions

The Char class provides several useful functions:

  • isDigit(): Checks if the character is a digit.
  • isLetter(): Checks if the character is a letter.
  • isWhitespace(): Checks if the character is a whitespace.
  • isUpperCase(): Checks if the character is an uppercase letter.
  • isLowerCase(): Checks if the character is a lowercase letter.
  • toUpperCase(): Converts the character to uppercase.
  • toLowerCase(): Converts the character to lowercase.


fun main() {
    val a: Char = 'A'
    val b: Char = '1'
    val c: Char = ' '

    println("a is digit: ${a.isDigit()}")
    println("b is digit: ${b.isDigit()}")
    println("a is letter: ${a.isLetter()}")
    println("c is whitespace: ${c.isWhitespace()}")
    println("a is uppercase: ${a.isUpperCase()}")
    println("a to lowercase: ${a.toLowerCase()}")

5. Examples of Char

Example 1: Checking Character Properties

This example demonstrates how to check various properties of a character.

fun main() {
    val char: Char = 'A'

    println("Is Digit: ${char.isDigit()}")
    println("Is Letter: ${char.isLetter()}")
    println("Is Uppercase: ${char.isUpperCase()}")
    println("Is Lowercase: ${char.isLowerCase()}")
    println("To Lowercase: ${char.toLowerCase()}")


Is Digit: false
Is Letter: true
Is Uppercase: true
Is Lowercase: false
To Lowercase: a

This example checks if the character is a digit, letter, uppercase, or lowercase and converts it to lowercase.

Example 2: Iterating Over Characters

This example demonstrates iterating over a range of characters.

fun main() {
    for (char in 'A'..'F') {
        print("$char ")



This example iterates over a range of characters from 'A' to 'F' and prints each character.

Example 3: Converting Char to Int

This example demonstrates converting a Char to its corresponding Unicode integer value.

fun main() {
    val char: Char = 'A'
    val intValue = char.toInt()

    println("Unicode value of 'A': $intValue")


Unicode value of 'A': 65

This example converts the character 'A' to its corresponding Unicode integer value.

Example 4: Using Char Arrays

This example demonstrates working with arrays of characters.

fun main() {
    val charArray: CharArray = charArrayOf('H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o')

    for (char in charArray) {



This example creates an array of characters and iterates through it to print each character.

6. Real-World Use Case: Parsing User Input

In a real-world scenario, you might need to parse user input and determine if it contains only valid characters.

Example: Validating User Input

fun main() {
    val userInput: String = "Hello123"
    var isValid = true

    for (char in userInput) {
        if (!char.isLetterOrDigit()) {
            isValid = false

    if (isValid) {
        println("Input is valid")
    } else {
        println("Input contains invalid characters")


Input is valid

This example checks if the user input contains only letters and digits, and prints a message based on the validation result.


The Char class in Kotlin provides a way to work with individual characters and perform various operations on them. It offers a range of functions to check character properties, convert cases, and more. Understanding how to use the Char class and its functions is essential for effective Kotlin programming, especially when dealing with text processing and user input validation.
