Kotlin Byte Class


In Kotlin, the Byte class represents an 8-bit signed integer. The range of values that a Byte can hold is from -128 to 127. It is commonly used in scenarios where memory optimization is crucial, such as working with binary data or performing low-level programming tasks.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the Byte Class?
  2. Creating Byte Values
  3. Byte Operations
  4. Byte Functions
  5. Examples of Byte
  6. Real-World Use Case
  7. Conclusion

1. What is the Byte Class?

The Byte class in Kotlin is a wrapper for the primitive byte type. It provides methods and properties to work with 8-bit signed integer values. The primary use of the Byte class is to represent small integers and perform operations on them.

2. Creating Byte Values

You can create Byte values using the toByte() function or by directly specifying a byte value.


val a: Byte = 10
val b = 20.toByte()

3. Byte Operations

Kotlin supports various operations on Byte values, including arithmetic, comparison, and bitwise operations.

Arithmetic Operations

  • + (Addition)
  • - (Subtraction)
  • * (Multiplication)
  • / (Division)
  • % (Modulus)


fun main() {
    val a: Byte = 10
    val b: Byte = 20

    val sum = (a + b).toByte()
    val difference = (a - b).toByte()
    val product = (a * b).toByte()
    val quotient = (a / b).toByte()
    val remainder = (a % b).toByte()

    println("Sum: $sum")
    println("Difference: $difference")
    println("Product: $product")
    println("Quotient: $quotient")
    println("Remainder: $remainder")

Comparison Operations

  • == (Equal to)
  • != (Not equal to)
  • < (Less than)
  • > (Greater than)
  • <= (Less than or equal to)
  • >= (Greater than or equal to)


fun main() {
    val a: Byte = 10
    val b: Byte = 20

    println("a == b: ${a == b}")
    println("a != b: ${a != b}")
    println("a < b: ${a < b}")
    println("a > b: ${a > b}")
    println("a <= b: ${a <= b}")
    println("a >= b: ${a >= b}")

Bitwise Operations

  • and (Bitwise AND)
  • or (Bitwise OR)
  • xor (Bitwise XOR)
  • inv (Bitwise Inversion)
  • shl (Shift left)
  • shr (Shift right)
  • ushr (Unsigned shift right)


fun main() {
    val a: Byte = 0b00001010
    val b: Byte = 0b00000101

    println("a and b: ${a.and(b)}")
    println("a or b: ${a.or(b)}")
    println("a xor b: ${a.xor(b)}")
    println("a inv: ${a.inv()}")
    println("a shl 2: ${a.shl(2)}")
    println("a shr 2: ${a.shr(2)}")
    println("a ushr 2: ${a.ushr(2)}")

4. Byte Functions

The Byte class provides several useful functions:

  • toByte(): Converts the value to a Byte.
  • toInt(): Converts the value to an Int.
  • toShort(): Converts the value to a Short.
  • toLong(): Converts the value to a Long.
  • toFloat(): Converts the value to a Float.
  • toDouble(): Converts the value to a Double.
  • compareTo(other: Byte): Compares this value with another byte.


fun main() {
    val a: Byte = 10

    println("toInt: ${a.toInt()}")
    println("toShort: ${a.toShort()}")
    println("toLong: ${a.toLong()}")
    println("toFloat: ${a.toFloat()}")
    println("toDouble: ${a.toDouble()}")
    println("compareTo 20: ${a.compareTo(20.toByte())}")

5. Examples of Byte

Example 1: Working with Byte Arrays

This example demonstrates how to work with byte arrays.

fun main() {
    val byteArray = byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

    for (byte in byteArray) {



This example creates a byte array and iterates through it, printing each byte.

Example 2: Reading Bytes from a File

This example demonstrates how to read bytes from a file.

import java.io.File

fun main() {
    val file = File("example.txt")
    val bytes = file.readBytes()

    for (byte in bytes) {

This example reads bytes from a file and prints the content as characters.

Example 3: Using Byte Buffers

This example demonstrates how to use byte buffers for efficient data manipulation.

import java.nio.ByteBuffer

fun main() {
    val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(10)


    while (buffer.hasRemaining()) {

This example uses a byte buffer to store and retrieve byte values efficiently.

6. Real-World Use Case: Network Communication

In network communication, you often need to send and receive data in the form of bytes. The Byte class is useful for handling such low-level data operations.

Example: Sending and Receiving Data

import java.net.ServerSocket
import java.net.Socket

fun startServer() {
    val server = ServerSocket(9999)
    println("Server started on port 9999")

    while (true) {
        val client = server.accept()
        val input = client.getInputStream()
        val data = ByteArray(1024)
        val bytesRead = input.read(data)

        println("Received: ${data.take(bytesRead).map { it.toChar() }.joinToString("")}")


fun startClient() {
    val client = Socket("localhost", 9999)
    val output = client.getOutputStream()
    val message = "Hello, Server!".toByteArray()


fun main() {
    Thread { startServer() }.start()

This example demonstrates a simple server-client communication where the server reads byte data from the client and prints it as a string.


The Byte class in Kotlin provides a way to work with 8-bit signed integers and perform various operations on them. It is useful in scenarios where memory optimization and low-level data manipulation are required. Understanding how to use the Byte class and its functions is essential for effective Kotlin programming, especially in applications involving binary data and network communication.
