Golang bytes.Cut Function

The bytes.Cut function in Golang is part of the bytes package and is used to split a byte slice around a specified separator. It returns two slices: one before the separator and one after the separator. If the separator is not found, the function returns the original slice and an empty slice, along with a boolean value indicating whether the separator was found.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. bytes.Cut Function Syntax
  3. Examples
    • Basic Usage
    • Separator Not Found
    • Using bytes.Cut for Parsing
  4. Real-World Use Case
  5. Conclusion


The bytes.Cut function is useful when you need to split a byte slice into two parts based on the first occurrence of a specified separator. This can be particularly handy for tasks such as parsing, processing text, or extracting specific sections of data.

bytes.Cut Function Syntax

The syntax for the bytes.Cut function is as follows:

func Cut(s, sep []byte) (before, after []byte, found bool)


  • s: The byte slice to be split.
  • sep: The separator byte slice to split s around.


  • before: The byte slice before the separator.
  • after: The byte slice after the separator.
  • found: A boolean value that is true if the separator was found in s, and false otherwise.


Basic Usage

This example demonstrates how to use the bytes.Cut function to split a byte slice around a specific separator.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define the main byte slice
	data := []byte("Hello, Golang!")

	// Define the separator
	separator := []byte(", ")

	// Use bytes.Cut to split the byte slice
	before, after, found := bytes.Cut(data, separator)

	// Print the results
	fmt.Printf("Before: %s\n", before)
	fmt.Printf("After: %s\n", after)
	fmt.Printf("Found: %v\n", found)


Before: Hello
After: Golang!
Found: true

Separator Not Found

This example shows how bytes.Cut behaves when the separator is not found in the byte slice.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define the main byte slice
	data := []byte("Hello, Golang!")

	// Define a separator that is not present in the byte slice
	separator := []byte("Python")

	// Use bytes.Cut to try to split the byte slice
	before, after, found := bytes.Cut(data, separator)

	// Print the results
	fmt.Printf("Before: %s\n", before)
	fmt.Printf("After: %s\n", after)
	fmt.Printf("Found: %v\n", found)


Before: Hello, Golang!
Found: false

Using bytes.Cut for Parsing

This example demonstrates how to use bytes.Cut for parsing a simple key-value pair.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define a key-value pair in a byte slice
	data := []byte("username:john_doe")

	// Define the separator
	separator := []byte(":")

	// Use bytes.Cut to split the key and value
	key, value, found := bytes.Cut(data, separator)

	// Print the key and value
	if found {
		fmt.Printf("Key: %s\n", key)
		fmt.Printf("Value: %s\n", value)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Separator not found.")


Key: username
Value: john_doe


  • bytes.Cut splits the byte slice into two parts around the first occurrence of the separator.
  • If the separator is found, before contains the part before the separator, after contains the part after, and found is true.
  • If the separator is not found, before is the entire byte slice, after is empty, and found is false.

Real-World Use Case

Parsing URL Parameters

In real-world applications, bytes.Cut can be used to parse URL parameters or query strings by splitting the input around specific separators such as = or &.

Example: Parsing a Query Parameter

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Simulate a query parameter in a URL
	query := []byte("id=12345")

	// Use bytes.Cut to split the parameter into key and value
	key, value, found := bytes.Cut(query, []byte("="))

	// Print the key and value
	if found {
		fmt.Printf("Key: %s\n", key)
		fmt.Printf("Value: %s\n", value)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Separator not found.")


Key: id
Value: 12345


  • The example demonstrates how bytes.Cut can be used to parse a query parameter into its key and value, a common task when working with URLs or form data.


The bytes.Cut function in Go is used for splitting byte slices around a specified separator. Whether you're parsing text, extracting sections of data, or handling key-value pairs, bytes.Cut provides an efficient way to perform these operations. Its ability to handle cases where the separator is not found, along with its simple and intuitive interface, makes it an essential function for text processing and data manipulation tasks.


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