Check if HashMap is Empty in Kotlin | Kotlin HashMap isEmpty Function

The isEmpty function in Kotlin is used to check if a HashMap contains any key-value pairs. This function is part of the Kotlin standard library and provides a convenient way to determine whether a map is empty.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. isEmpty Function Syntax
  3. Understanding isEmpty
  4. Examples
    • Basic Usage
    • Checking an Empty Map
  5. Real-World Use Case
  6. Conclusion


The isEmpty function allows you to check if a HashMap is empty, meaning it contains no key-value pairs. This is useful for scenarios where you need to verify if a map has any entries before performing operations on it.

isEmpty Function Syntax

The syntax for the isEmpty function is as follows:

fun isEmpty(): Boolean


  • This function does not take any parameters.


  • Boolean: Returns true if the map is empty, false otherwise.

Understanding isEmpty

The isEmpty function checks if the HashMap has any entries. If the map contains no key-value pairs, it returns true; otherwise, it returns false.


Basic Usage

To demonstrate the basic usage of isEmpty, we will create a HashMap and check if it is empty.


fun main() {
    val map = hashMapOf<String, Int>()
    println("Is the map empty? ${map.isEmpty()}")

    map["Alice"] = 30
    println("Is the map empty after adding an entry? ${map.isEmpty()}")


Is the map empty? true
Is the map empty after adding an entry? false

Checking an Empty Map

This example shows how to check if an initially empty map remains empty after some operations.


fun main() {
    val fruits = hashMapOf<String, Int>()
    println("Is the fruits map empty? ${fruits.isEmpty()}")

    // Trying to remove a non-existent entry
    println("Is the fruits map empty after attempting to remove an entry? ${fruits.isEmpty()}")


Is the fruits map empty? true
Is the fruits map empty after attempting to remove an entry? true

Real-World Use Case

Checking for User Sessions

In real-world applications, the isEmpty function can be used to check if a map of user sessions is empty before performing operations such as displaying active sessions.


data class Session(val userId: String, val token: String)

fun main() {
    val sessions = hashMapOf<String, Session>()
    println("Are there any active sessions? ${!sessions.isEmpty()}")

    sessions["session1"] = Session("user1", "token1")
    println("Are there any active sessions after adding a session? ${!sessions.isEmpty()}")


Are there any active sessions? false
Are there any active sessions after adding a session? true


The isEmpty function in Kotlin is a simple and effective way to check if a HashMap contains any key-value pairs. It allows you to verify the presence of entries in a map, making it useful for various applications, including data validation, session management, and more. 

By understanding and using the isEmpty function, you can effectively manage and manipulate HashMap collections in your Kotlin applications.
