Top 50 Unix MCQ Questions & Answers

This post presents 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to test your knowledge of the Unix operating system. Each MCQ has an answer and explanation.

UNIX is a powerful operating system known for its simplicity, flexibility, and portability. It has become a standard for many systems, and understanding UNIX commands and concepts is essential for working in various computing environments. The following MCQs cover key concepts, commands, and features in UNIX.

1. What does UNIX stand for?

a) Universal Internet Exchange
b) Uniplexed Information and Computing System
c) Unorganized Information Network
d) United Interface Network Exchange


b) Uniplexed Information and Computing System


UNIX stands for Uniplexed Information and Computing System. It is a powerful operating system developed in the 1970s at Bell Labs. Originally, UNIX was designed as a multitasking system for mainframe computers.

Despite its age, UNIX remains relevant today, especially in the server domain. It influenced many other operating systems like Linux, which carries the UNIX philosophy. UNIX-based systems are known for their robustness and security features.

Understanding the meaning of UNIX helps users appreciate its history and how its design principles have persisted in modern computing. As you dive deeper into UNIX, you’ll find it’s at the core of many tech innovations.

2. Which command is used to display the current directory in UNIX?

a) pwd
b) ls
c) cd
d) dir


a) pwd


The pwd command in UNIX is used to print the current working directory. It stands for “print working directory,” and its function is to show the full path of the directory you are currently in. This command is extremely helpful when navigating through the file system.

When using UNIX systems, navigating directories is a common task. Knowing your current directory helps avoid confusion when you are working in complex directory structures. The pwd command ensures that users are aware of their position in the file system.

Understanding how to use the pwd command is one of the first steps in becoming proficient in UNIX. As you work with different files and directories, you'll find yourself using pwd regularly to confirm your location.

3. What is the use of the ls command in UNIX?

a) It lists files and directories in the current directory
b) It creates a new directory
c) It deletes a file
d) It changes the current directory


a) It lists files and directories in the current directory


The ls command in UNIX is used to list the contents of a directory. When you type ls in the terminal, it will display all the files and subdirectories present in the current directory. It's a fundamental command for understanding what’s inside a directory.

There are multiple options with the ls command to display more detailed information, such as ls -l for a long listing format or ls -a to show hidden files. These variations are essential for users who need more control over file viewing.

Mastering the ls command is a basic but crucial skill for UNIX users. By knowing how to view files and directories effectively, you can navigate and manage your file system more efficiently.

4. Which UNIX command is used to create a new directory?

a) touch
b) mkdir
c) rmdir
d) cp


b) mkdir


The mkdir command in UNIX is used to create a new directory. The syntax is simple: mkdir directory_name. This command allows users to create directories, which act as containers for files and subdirectories, helping organize the file system.

Managing directories efficiently is a key part of working in any UNIX environment. You’ll often find yourself creating directories to compartmentalize data and organize files by project, task, or type. Creating directories is a routine task that makes navigation easier.

By understanding how to use the mkdir command, you’ll be able to structure your file system logically and enhance your workflow. Learning the associated commands like rmdir for removing directories is equally useful in maintaining a clean directory tree.

5. Which UNIX command is used to remove a file?

a) rm
b) mv
c) delete
d) erase


a) rm


The rm command is used to remove files in UNIX. When you use rm filename, it deletes the specified file from the directory. If you want to remove directories along with files, you can use rm -r (recursive delete) to remove directories and their contents.

Deleting files in UNIX is permanent, meaning the file is gone once you run the rm command unless you have backups. This makes it a powerful command, but it should be used with caution, especially when dealing with important files or directories.

Learning to use rm properly is crucial for UNIX users. It’s also useful to explore additional options like rm -f for forced deletion or rm -i to prompt for confirmation before deleting each file.

6. What does the chmod command do in UNIX?

a) Changes the owner of a file
b) Changes the permissions of a file
c) Modifies the file content
d) Deletes a file


b) Changes the permissions of a file


The chmod command in UNIX is used to change the permissions of a file or directory. Permissions define who can read, write, or execute a file. The command syntax is chmod mode filename where mode refers to the permission settings.

Permissions in UNIX are categorized into three types: read (r), write (w), and execute (x). Each file or directory has three permission sets: one for the file owner, one for the group, and one for others. The chmod command allows the owner to assign or modify these permissions.

Understanding the chmod command is critical for securing files on a UNIX system. By controlling access to files, administrators can prevent unauthorized changes or execution, ensuring that only the right users can interact with specific files.

7. What does the ps command do in UNIX?

a) Shows the list of currently running processes
b) Prints system information
c) Stops a running process
d) Powers off the system


a) Shows the list of currently running processes


The ps command in UNIX is used to display information about the currently running processes. It shows details like process ID (PID), terminal associated with the process, and the CPU time used. This is helpful for monitoring system activity.

With options like ps -aux, users can get more detailed information, including processes run by all users and those not associated with a terminal. The output can help administrators identify resource-heavy processes or troubleshoot performance issues.

Learning the ps command is essential for managing and understanding the behavior of running applications. It’s a fundamental tool for system administrators to analyze system load and detect any misbehaving processes.

8. Which command is used to terminate a process in UNIX?

a) end
b) kill
c) stop
d) quit


b) kill


The kill command in UNIX is used to terminate a running process. It works by sending a signal to the process, which can either stop it immediately or allow for a more graceful shutdown, depending on the signal used (e.g., SIGKILL or SIGTERM).

Processes in UNIX have a unique Process ID (PID), and the kill command is followed by the PID of the process to be terminated. For example, kill 1234 will stop the process with PID 1234. The kill -9 option forces an immediate termination.

Mastering the kill command is important for troubleshooting hung processes or stopping resource-intensive applications. It ensures that administrators can maintain control over the processes running on their system.

9. Which command is used to change the ownership of a file in UNIX?

a) chown
b) chgrp
c) chmod
d) own


a) chown


The chown command in UNIX is used to change the ownership of a file or directory. The basic syntax is chown new_owner filename, where new_owner is the username of the new owner and filename is the name of the file to be changed.

In UNIX, each file is associated with an owner who has control over its permissions and modifications. The chown command is important for managing access and ensuring that the correct user has control over sensitive files.

Proper use of chown helps administrators assign files to the right users or groups, particularly in multi-user environments. It prevents unauthorized access and ensures accountability for file modifications and usage.

10. Which command is used to copy files in UNIX?

a) cp
b) mv
c) rm
d) copy


a) cp


The cp command in UNIX is used to copy files and directories from one location to another. Its syntax is cp source destination, where source is the file to be copied and destination is the target directory or filename.

This command is useful for duplicating files or creating backups. For example, cp file1 file2 will create a copy of file1 and save it as file2. The -r option allows copying directories recursively, which includes all subdirectories and their contents.

Understanding the cp command is vital for managing files in UNIX. It allows users to keep multiple versions of files or easily transfer files between different directories without losing the original.

11. What is the default text editor in UNIX?

a) emacs
b) nano
c) vi
d) gedit


c) vi


The vi editor is the default text editor in many UNIX systems. It is a powerful text editor that provides advanced editing features, although it has a steep learning curve compared to simpler editors like nano.

In vi, users can enter different modes such as command mode and insert mode. In command mode, you can navigate the file and issue commands, while in insert mode, you can input text. Commands like :wq are used to save and exit the editor.

Learning to use vi is an important skill for UNIX users. It is available on nearly every UNIX system, making it a reliable choice for editing configuration files or writing scripts directly from the command line.

12. What is the function of the man command in UNIX?

a) To manage system resources
b) To display manual pages for commands
c) To monitor network activity
d) To display memory usage


b) To display manual pages for commands


The man command in UNIX stands for "manual" and is used to display the manual pages for commands. It provides detailed documentation on the usage, syntax, and options of a command. This command is a critical resource for UNIX users.

When you're unsure about how to use a command, running man command_name will bring up the relevant manual page, offering insights into its purpose, flags, and examples. It's a built-in guide for nearly every command available in UNIX.

Becoming familiar with man pages will save you time and frustration as you explore new commands and their options. It's an essential skill for both beginners and advanced users to navigate the system effectively.

13. Which command is used to move files in UNIX?

a) cp
b) mv
c) rm
d) move


b) mv


The mv command in UNIX is used to move files or directories from one location to another. It can also be used to rename files. For example, mv file1 /path/to/destination will move file1 to the specified directory.

Unlike the cp command, which copies files, mv physically moves the file to the new location. The original file no longer exists in the source directory after the move is completed. This makes it useful for organizing and restructuring directories.

Understanding how to use the mv command is important for file management. You can also use it for renaming files: mv oldname newname. This flexibility makes it a fundamental command for managing file systems.

14. Which command in UNIX is used to count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file?

a) wc
b) count
c) nl
d) grep


a) wc


The wc (word count) command in UNIX is used to count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file. By default, it shows all three counts when you run wc filename, but you can specify options such as -l for lines, -w for words, and -c for characters.

For example, wc -l filename will return just the number of lines in the file, which is useful for quick statistics or when processing text data. You can also use wc in combination with other commands through pipes to analyze command output.

The wc command is particularly useful when dealing with large files or logs where manual counting is impractical. It provides a quick and easy way to get insights into file content size and structure.

15. What is the purpose of the grep command in UNIX?

a) To find and display lines in a file that match a pattern
b) To list the files in a directory
c) To remove files from the system
d) To count the number of lines in a file


a) To find and display lines in a file that match a pattern


The grep command is used to search for patterns within files and display the matching lines. For example, grep "pattern" filename will output all lines in the file that contain the specified pattern. This makes grep invaluable for searching through logs and text files.

With options like -i for case-insensitive searching, -v for showing lines that do not match the pattern, and -r for recursive searching in directories, grep becomes a powerful tool for data extraction and analysis.

Mastering grep is essential for working efficiently in UNIX environments, especially when dealing with large amounts of data. Its ability to quickly locate information in files makes it one of the most commonly used UNIX commands.

16. Which command is used to display the first few lines of a file in UNIX?

a) head
b) tail
c) cat
d) more


a) head


The head command in UNIX is used to display the first few lines of a file. By default, it shows the first 10 lines, but you can specify the number of lines you want to display by using the -n option. For example, head -n 5 filename will display the first 5 lines of the file.

It is particularly useful when you only want a quick preview of a file without opening it entirely. Combined with commands like tail or cat, head provides flexible control over file content display.

Understanding head is essential for working with large text files. Whether you need to preview log files, configuration files, or any large data file, head gives you a quick snapshot of the beginning of the file.

17. What does the tail command do in UNIX?

a) Displays the last few lines of a file
b) Displays the first few lines of a file
c) Shows the contents of a file
d) Lists files in a directory


a) Displays the last few lines of a file


The tail command in UNIX is used to display the last few lines of a file, similar to how head displays the first lines. By default, tail shows the last 10 lines, but you can specify a different number of lines with the -n option.

For example, tail -n 20 filename will display the last 20 lines of the file. The -f option can be used to continuously display new lines as they are added to the file, making it useful for monitoring log files in real time.

Knowing how to use tail is critical for working with logs and data streams. It allows users to easily keep track of the latest entries or updates without scrolling through the entire file.

18. How do you display all currently logged-in users in UNIX?

a) who
b) w
c) users
d) All of the above


d) All of the above


The who, w, and users commands can all be used to display information about logged-in users. The who command shows detailed information such as usernames, terminal names, login times, and more. It's widely used for user tracking in multi-user systems.

The w command provides more detailed information, including what each user is currently doing, CPU usage, and the system load. It's useful for system administrators who want to monitor system activity in real-time.

Meanwhile, the users command provides a simple list of logged-in usernames without any additional information. Each of these commands serves a different purpose, depending on the level of detail required.

19. What does the df command display in UNIX?

a) Disk space usage
b) File system type
c) Memory usage
d) List of files in a directory


a) Disk space usage


The df command in UNIX is used to display information about disk space usage. It provides details such as the total size of file systems, available space, used space, and the percentage of space that has been used. The -h option displays this information in a human-readable format (e.g., MB or GB).

For example, df -h shows disk space usage for all mounted file systems, giving you a clear overview of how much space is available and how much is being used on each disk partition. This is particularly useful for monitoring storage on servers and managing file system health.

Using the df command regularly is important for system administrators to ensure that disks do not run out of space. Proper disk space management helps in preventing system issues due to insufficient storage.

20. What does the top command do in UNIX?

a) Displays the contents of a file
b) Shows system uptime
c) Displays real-time information about running processes
d) Lists all files in a directory


c) Displays real-time information about running processes


The top command in UNIX displays real-time information about running processes, including CPU and memory usage, process IDs, and other key metrics. It provides a dynamic, real-time view of system resource usage, allowing administrators to monitor the system's performance.

Using top, users can see which processes are consuming the most resources and can even terminate processes directly from the interface using process IDs. The display updates every few seconds, providing an ongoing snapshot of the system's activity.

The top command is essential for performance monitoring and troubleshooting, helping users quickly identify resource-heavy processes and make informed decisions about system resource allocation.

21. What does the du command display in UNIX?

a) Disk usage of files and directories
b) List of open files
c) User information
d) CPU usage


a) Disk usage of files and directories


The du (disk usage) command in UNIX is used to estimate the disk space used by files and directories. By default, it shows the disk usage for each file and subdirectory in the specified directory. It can be useful when trying to identify large files that are taking up space.

For example, running du -h will display the output in a human-readable format, such as KB, MB, or GB. This helps in better understanding the amount of space occupied by files and directories on the system.

Knowing how to use du allows administrators to manage disk space more effectively, ensuring that unnecessary files are removed and systems do not run out of storage space unexpectedly.

22. Which UNIX command is used to display the current system time and date?

a) time
b) date
c) clock
d) uptime


b) date


The date command in UNIX displays the current system date and time. When you type date in the terminal, it outputs the current date and time in a standard format. It also allows for formatting and setting the system date and time using various options.

For example, date +%Y-%m-%d will display the date in "year-month-day" format. You can customize the output to suit your needs, such as for logging or scheduling tasks that require date and time stamps.

The date command is important for time-sensitive operations, such as cron jobs, system logs, or ensuring consistency across networked systems. It’s one of the most frequently used commands in system administration.

23. What does the uptime command show in UNIX?

a) The system's uptime since the last reboot
b) CPU usage
c) Disk space usage
d) List of active users


a) The system's uptime since the last reboot


The uptime command in UNIX displays how long the system has been running since its last reboot. In addition to uptime, it also shows the current time, the number of active users, and the system load averages over the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes.

This information is critical for system administrators who need to monitor system stability and performance. Systems that run for long periods without downtime are typically considered stable and reliable, which is essential for production environments.

Understanding system uptime is important for scheduling maintenance, detecting abnormal restarts, and ensuring that the system performs optimally over time. The uptime command provides a quick snapshot of system health and performance.

24. Which command in UNIX is used to remove an empty directory?

a) rmdir
b) rm
c) deldir
d) delete


a) rmdir


The rmdir command in UNIX is used to remove an empty directory. If the directory contains any files or subdirectories, the command will not delete it, and an error message will be displayed. The directory must be empty for this command to work.

For example, running rmdir folder_name will delete the folder if it contains no files or subdirectories. If you want to remove a non-empty directory, you will need to use the rm -r command instead, which deletes directories and their contents recursively.

Using rmdir is helpful for simple directory clean-up operations. By understanding the difference between rmdir and rm -r, users can manage directories more effectively and avoid unintentional data loss.

25. What is the purpose of the chmod command in UNIX?

a) To change file permissions
b) To change the ownership of a file
c) To modify the content of a file
d) To delete files


a) To change file permissions


The chmod command in UNIX is used to change file permissions. File permissions determine who can read, write, or execute a file. The command can be used with either symbolic or numeric modes to set different permission levels for the file owner, group, and others.

For example, chmod 755 file will set read, write, and execute permissions for the owner, and read and execute permissions for the group and others. This is a common permission setting for executable files that need to be shared across users.

Mastering chmod is important for maintaining system security and controlling access to files. Proper permission settings ensure that files are accessible only by authorized users, reducing the risk of accidental or malicious changes.

26. What does the pwd command do in UNIX?

a) Prints the working directory
b) Changes the current directory
c) Displays process information
d) Prints file contents


a) Prints the working directory


The pwd command in UNIX stands for "print working directory," and it displays the absolute path of the current directory. This is useful when navigating through a complex directory structure and wanting to verify your current location in the file system.

When you use the pwd command, it shows the full path starting from the root directory. For example, if you are in the /home/user/documents directory, typing pwd will display /home/user/documents as the output.

Knowing the pwd command is essential for effective navigation in UNIX environments. It ensures that users always know their location in the file system, preventing confusion and errors when working with files and directories.

27. What is the purpose of the cat command in UNIX?

a) To concatenate and display the content of files
b) To list all files in a directory
c) To change file permissions
d) To move files between directories


a) To concatenate and display the content of files


The cat command in UNIX is used to concatenate and display the content of one or more files. By default, it prints the content of the file(s) to the terminal. It’s commonly used to quickly view file contents without needing to open an editor.

For example, running cat file1 file2 will display the contents of both files, one after the other. You can also use cat to combine multiple files into a single file using redirection, such as cat file1 file2 > newfile.

Understanding how to use the cat command is essential for quickly reading and combining files. It’s a simple but powerful tool for working with text files in UNIX environments, making file management more efficient.

28. Which command in UNIX is used to search for a specific pattern in files?

a) grep
b) find
c) locate
d) search


a) grep


The grep command in UNIX is used to search for a specific pattern within files and display the matching lines. It stands for "global regular expression print" and allows users to find text patterns efficiently. It is one of the most powerful search tools in UNIX.

For example, running grep "pattern" file will search for the string "pattern" in the specified file and display any matching lines. With options like -i for case-insensitive search or -r for recursive search in directories, grep can handle complex search requirements.

Learning to use grep is essential for extracting information from large files or logs. It simplifies data search and retrieval, making it a must-have skill for anyone working in UNIX environments.

29. Which command is used to change the group ownership of a file in UNIX?

a) chgrp
b) chmod
c) chown
d) grpmod


a) chgrp


The chgrp command in UNIX is used to change the group ownership of a file or directory. It allows the file's owner or a system administrator to change the group that has access to the file. The syntax is chgrp group_name file_name.

This is useful in multi-user environments where files need to be shared among group members. By assigning the correct group ownership, system administrators can ensure that only authorized group members can access or modify files.

Knowing how to use chgrp is essential for managing group permissions on a UNIX system. It allows for better file access control, ensuring security and collaboration in shared environments.

30. What does the df -h command do in UNIX?

a) Displays disk space usage in human-readable format
b) Displays free memory
c) Displays hidden files
d) Displays system uptime


a) Displays disk space usage in human-readable format


The df -h command in UNIX displays disk space usage in a human-readable format, such as KB, MB, or GB. It provides a clear overview of how much disk space is used and how much is available for each mounted file system.

This command is particularly useful when managing disk storage on a system. It allows administrators to quickly identify file systems that are running low on space, enabling proactive disk management before critical issues arise.

Mastering the df -h command is crucial for efficient disk management in UNIX environments. It ensures that you can monitor disk usage and maintain system health without worrying about disk capacity limits.

31. What is the function of the ps command in UNIX?

a) To list the running processes
b) To display disk space usage
c) To change file permissions
d) To delete files


a) To list the running processes


The ps command in UNIX is used to display information about currently running processes. By default, it shows processes owned by the user who invoked the command, but it can also display system-wide process information using additional options like ps aux.

For example, ps -e lists all processes running on the system, while ps -u username shows processes for a specific user. This command is essential for monitoring system activity and identifying processes that may be consuming excessive resources.

Understanding the ps command is important for process management in UNIX. It helps users and administrators monitor the system's performance, detect any unusual activity, and make informed decisions about process termination or management.

32. Which command is used to kill a process in UNIX?

a) kill
b) stop
c) end
d) exit


a) kill


The kill command is used to terminate a process in UNIX. It works by sending a signal to a process, such as SIGTERM (terminate) or SIGKILL (forcefully terminate). You need to specify the Process ID (PID) of the process to terminate, which can be found using the ps command.

For example, kill 1234 sends the default signal to process ID 1234, while kill -9 1234 forcefully terminates the process. It’s important to use the appropriate signal to avoid potential data loss or corruption, especially when terminating critical processes.

Learning how to use kill properly ensures you can manage processes effectively, especially when handling unresponsive or resource-intensive tasks. It's a powerful tool for system administration in UNIX environments.

33. Which command in UNIX is used to search for files in a directory hierarchy?

a) find
b) locate
c) grep
d) search


a) find


The find command in UNIX is used to search for files and directories in a directory hierarchy. It allows users to specify various search criteria, such as file name, size, modification date, and more. This makes it a versatile tool for locating files across the system.

For example, find /home -name "*.txt" searches for all .txt files in the /home directory and its subdirectories. With options like -size to filter by file size or -mtime to filter by modification time, find provides comprehensive search functionality.

Mastering the find command is essential for efficient file management in UNIX. Whether you're tracking down misplaced files or organizing large directories, find helps streamline the search process and save time.

34. What does the touch command do in UNIX?

a) Creates a new, empty file
b) Changes file permissions
c) Displays file content
d) Moves files between directories


a) Creates a new, empty file


The touch command in UNIX is used to create a new, empty file. When you run touch filename, it creates a file with the specified name if it doesn’t already exist. If the file already exists, it updates its timestamp without modifying the content.

For example, running touch newfile.txt creates an empty file named newfile.txt in the current directory. This command is often used to quickly create placeholder files or to update the modification time of existing files without editing them.

Understanding the touch command is helpful for file creation and management. It’s a simple but powerful tool for setting up new files or refreshing timestamps in UNIX environments.

35. Which command is used to display a file’s content one page at a time?

a) more
b) less
c) cat
d) head


a) more


The more command in UNIX is used to display the content of a file one screen (or page) at a time. This is particularly useful when viewing large files, as it prevents the entire file from being displayed at once and allows the user to scroll through the file.

For example, running more filename will open the file in a paginated view. You can press the spacebar to scroll down one page at a time, or use other keys like Enter to move one line at a time. It provides a more controlled file viewing experience.

Using the more command helps users work with large files without overwhelming the terminal. It’s a simple, yet effective tool for file exploration and review in UNIX environments.

36. What is the purpose of the tar command in UNIX?

a) To create and manage archive files
b) To delete files
c) To view file permissions
d) To display file contents


a) To create and manage archive files


The tar command in UNIX is used to create, extract, and manage archive files. It is commonly used to bundle multiple files and directories into a single archive file for easier storage or transfer. The most common format for tar archives is .tar or .tar.gz for compressed files.

For example, running tar -cvf archive.tar file1 file2 creates an archive file named archive.tar containing file1 and file2. Similarly, tar -xvf archive.tar extracts the files from the archive. The -z option can be added to compress or decompress files using gzip.

Understanding the tar command is crucial for backup, file transfer, and storage operations. It simplifies file management by allowing users to package multiple files into a single file for more efficient handling in UNIX systems.

37. What is the function of the ln command in UNIX?

a) To create links to files
b) To list files in a directory
c) To create new directories
d) To move files


a) To create links to files


The ln command in UNIX is used to create hard links or symbolic (soft) links to files. A hard link points directly to the data on the disk, while a symbolic link (created with ln -s) acts as a reference to another file or directory, similar to a shortcut.

For example, running ln file1 link1 creates a hard link named link1 that points to file1. Using ln -s /path/to/file symlink creates a symbolic link to the specified file. Symbolic links are often used for more flexible file management.

Mastering the ln command is important for efficient file organization and system management. It allows users to create references to files without duplicating the file's data, saving disk space and improving workflow.

38. Which command is used to extract a .tar.gz archive in UNIX?

a) tar -xzf
b) tar -cvf
c) unzip
d) untar


a) tar -xzf


The tar -xzf command in UNIX is used to extract .tar.gz archives. The -x option specifies extraction, -z specifies gzip compression, and -f specifies the file to be extracted. This command is frequently used for managing compressed files in UNIX.

For example, tar -xzf archive.tar.gz extracts the contents of the archive.tar.gz file into the current directory. This command is commonly used for distributing and decompressing software packages or backups.

Knowing how to use tar -xzf is essential for working with compressed archives in UNIX. It simplifies file management, particularly when dealing with large amounts of data or software distributions.

39. What does the df command display in UNIX?

a) Disk space usage
b) File permissions
c) Process information
d) Network usage


a) Disk space usage


The df command in UNIX is used to display information about the disk space usage of file systems. It shows the total size, used space, available space, and the percentage of disk space used for each mounted file system on the system.

For example, running df -h provides disk usage information in a human-readable format, showing values in MB or GB. This makes it easier to monitor the disk space usage and identify potential storage issues.

Using df regularly is crucial for disk management, ensuring that you can detect when a file system is running low on space and take necessary actions, such as cleaning up unnecessary files or adding more storage.

40. What is the purpose of the gzip command in UNIX?

a) To compress files
b) To extract files
c) To display file contents
d) To list files in a directory


a) To compress files


The gzip command in UNIX is used to compress files, reducing their size for more efficient storage and transfer. The compressed file has a .gz extension. To compress a file, you simply run gzip filename, and it creates filename.gz.

To decompress a file, you can use the gunzip command. For example, gunzip filename.gz will restore the file to its original form. Compression helps save disk space and makes it easier to send files over the network.

Understanding how to use gzip is important for managing disk space, especially in environments where storage and bandwidth are limited. It’s a valuable tool for anyone working with large files in UNIX.

41. What does the history command do in UNIX?

a) Displays the list of previously executed commands
b) Displays system log files
c) Shows the list of active users
d) Displays recently modified files


a) Displays the list of previously executed commands


The history command in UNIX displays a list of previously executed commands. This allows users to quickly review their command history and re-execute commands without needing to retype them. Each command is associated with a unique number in the history list.

For example, typing !123 will re-execute the command with the history number 123. You can also search through the history by pressing the Ctrl + r keys, which initiates a reverse search for commands based on what you type.

Using the history command is a time-saving feature in UNIX. It simplifies repetitive tasks by allowing users to quickly re-run or modify previous commands, improving productivity in the terminal environment.

42. What does the bg command do in UNIX?

a) Moves a process to the background
b) Terminates a process
c) Pauses a process
d) Resumes a paused process in the foreground


a) Moves a process to the background


The bg command in UNIX is used to move a process to the background. If a process is running in the foreground and is paused (usually by pressing Ctrl + Z), you can use bg to resume it in the background, allowing you to continue working in the terminal.

For example, if a process is paused, running bg %1 (where %1 is the job number) will move it to the background. This is useful for multitasking when you want a process to continue running without blocking your terminal session.

Understanding the bg command is important for effective process management in UNIX. It allows users to control how processes are handled and ensures that background tasks can run without interrupting other work.

43. What does the fg command do in UNIX?

a) Brings a background process to the foreground
b) Pauses a process
c) Terminates a background process
d) Lists active processes


a) Brings a background process to the foreground


The fg command in UNIX is used to bring a background process to the foreground. When a process is running in the background, fg allows you to resume control of it in the foreground, so you can interact with it directly.

For example, if a background process is running with job number %1, you can run fg %1 to bring it to the foreground. This is useful when you need to interact with a previously backgrounded process, such as terminating it or providing input.

Knowing how to use the fg command is essential for process control in UNIX. It provides flexibility for switching between background and foreground tasks, enabling more efficient multitasking in the terminal.

44. Which command is used to display the content of a file in reverse order?

a) tac
b) cat
c) head
d) tail


a) tac


The tac command in UNIX is used to display the content of a file in reverse order. It is the reverse of the cat command, which displays file content normally. Using tac, the last line of the file is shown first, followed by the preceding lines in reverse sequence.

For example, running tac filename will display the file's contents starting from the last line. This is useful when you want to examine the latest entries in log files or data sets where the most recent information is at the end of the file.

Understanding the tac command is helpful for working with files that are structured chronologically or sequentially. It provides an alternative view of file content, making it easier to analyze data from a different perspective.

45. What does the whoami command do in UNIX?

a) Displays the current username
b) Displays system information
c) Shows the current directory
d) Lists active processes


a) Displays the current username


The whoami command in UNIX displays the username of the currently logged-in user. This is useful when working in environments with multiple users or when using sudo to run commands as a different user, as it confirms which user account is active.

For example, if you run whoami, the output will show the username of the account under which the command was executed. This helps users verify their current session or switch between user accounts if necessary.

Using whoami is important for managing user access and ensuring that commands are being executed with the correct permissions. It provides a simple but essential way to confirm your identity in a multi-user system.

46. Which command in UNIX is used to display system information?

a) uname
b) top
c) df
d) ps


a) uname


The uname command in UNIX is used to display basic system information, including the operating system name, kernel version, and system architecture. By default, running uname prints the operating system name, while additional options provide more detailed information.

For example, uname -a displays all available system information, such as the kernel version, processor architecture, and machine hardware name. This is helpful for understanding the underlying system on which you are working.

Mastering the uname command is essential for troubleshooting and system administration. It provides a quick overview of the system's technical details, enabling users to make informed decisions when managing UNIX systems.

47. What does the alias command do in UNIX?

a) Creates shortcuts for commands
b) Changes file ownership
c) Removes files
d) Renames files


a) Creates shortcuts for commands


The alias command in UNIX is used to create shortcuts or custom names for frequently used commands. This allows users to type shorter or simpler commands instead of long or complex ones. The alias persists for the duration of the session unless saved in a configuration file.

For example, running alias ll='ls -la' allows you to use the shortcut ll instead of typing the full ls -la command each time. This improves efficiency and reduces the likelihood of typing errors for frequently used commands.

Understanding how to use alias is a valuable skill for enhancing productivity in UNIX. It allows users to customize their environment and streamline their workflow, making it easier to execute common tasks quickly.

48. What is the purpose of the nohup command in UNIX?

a) To run a command that will continue running after logout
b) To display system processes
c) To display system uptime
d) To log off the system


a) To run a command that will continue running after logout


The nohup command in UNIX stands for "no hang up," and it allows a process to continue running in the background even after the user logs out. This is useful for long-running processes, such as backups or downloads, that you want to keep active after you disconnect.

For example, running nohup command & will start the command in the background and prevent it from being terminated when you log out of the system. The output is typically saved to a nohup.out file unless redirected to another file.

Mastering the nohup command is essential for managing long-running tasks in UNIX. It ensures that critical processes continue running even if your session is interrupted, providing reliability for unattended tasks.

49. Which command in UNIX is used to change the ownership of a file?

a) chown
b) chmod
c) chgrp
d) owner


a) chown


The chown command in UNIX is used to change the ownership of a file or directory. It allows administrators to transfer ownership from one user to another. The basic syntax is chown user filename, where user is the new owner of the file.

For example, running chown newowner file changes the ownership of file to newowner. Additionally, chown user:group file changes both the user and group ownership at the same time. This command is essential for managing file permissions in multi-user environments.

Knowing how to use chown ensures that files are properly assigned to the correct user accounts, maintaining security and access control on UNIX systems. It plays a crucial role in system administration and file management.

50. What is the purpose of the mount command in UNIX?

a) To mount a file system
b) To format a disk
c) To list all file systems
d) To create directories


a) To mount a file system


The mount command in UNIX is used to attach a file system to a specific directory, allowing users to access files and directories on that file system. This is essential for making external storage devices or network file systems accessible on a system.

For example, running mount /dev/sda1 /mnt mounts the file system on the device /dev/sda1 to the directory /mnt. After mounting, users can access the files on the device through the /mnt directory. To unmount a file system, the umount command is used.

Understanding how to use the mount command is crucial for system administration. It allows users to connect different storage devices and network file systems to their UNIX system, enabling access to external resources efficiently.

These 50 UNIX MCQ questions and answers cover the essential commands and concepts needed to operate in a UNIX environment. From managing files and processes to configuring file systems, these questions provide a comprehensive understanding of how UNIX systems function.
