R Programming - Variables MCQ Questions and Answers

R programming is widely used for data manipulation and statistical analysis. Understanding variables is key to working with R efficiently. Variables in R can store a variety of data types, including numeric, character, logical, and complex types. They are essential for storing and manipulating data within programs.

This quiz will test your knowledge of R programming variables, including variable assignment, data types, and built-in functions. Each question will help you better understand how to work with variables in R.

Let’s get started with the following multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to strengthen your understanding of R variables.

1. Which operator is used to assign a value to a variable in R?

a) ==
b) =
c) ->
d) <-

2. Which of the following is a valid variable name in R?

a) 1var
b) _variable
c) variable_1
d) var-iable

3. What function is used to check the type of a variable in R?

a) class()
b) typeof()
c) checktype()
d) vartype()

4. Which function in R is used to list all variables in the current environment?

a) ls()
b) list()
c) showvars()
d) vars()

5. What is the default data type of a variable in R when a number is assigned to it?

a) character
b) integer
c) numeric
d) logical

6. How can you remove a variable from the workspace in R?

a) delete()
b) remove()
c) rm()
d) clear()

7. Which of the following is NOT a valid data type in R?

a) character
b) string
c) numeric
d) logical

8. How do you convert a numeric variable to an integer in R?

a) as.numeric()
b) as.integer()
c) convert()
d) as.type()

9. How can you check if a variable is numeric in R?

a) is.character()
b) is.logical()
c) is.numeric()
d) is.double()

10. What is the maximum length of a variable name in R?

a) 256 characters
b) 64 characters
c) No specific limit
d) 128 characters


These questions help you understand the fundamentals of variables in R, including variable assignment, types, and common operations. Mastering these basics is crucial as variables are the foundation for any R script or analysis. Keep practicing and exploring more complex functions as you grow your R programming skills.


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