JavaScript: Delete a Property from an Object

In JavaScript, objects are flexible and allow you to add or remove properties at any time. To delete a property from an object, you can use the delete operator. This guide explains the different ways you can remove a property from an object and considerations when using the delete operator.

1. Using the delete Operator

The most straightforward way to remove a property from an object is by using the delete operator. It removes the property and its value from the object.


const employee = {
  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare",
  email: ""

// Deleting the email property



  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare"

In this example, the delete operator removes the email property from the employee object. The object no longer contains the email key.

2. Deleting Properties Using Bracket Notation

You can also delete a property using bracket notation. This method is useful if the property name is stored in a variable or when the property name contains spaces or special characters.


const employee = {
  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare",
  email: ""

const propertyToDelete = "email";

// Deleting the property using bracket notation
delete employee[propertyToDelete];



  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare"

In this example, the property stored in propertyToDelete ("email") is deleted from the employee object.

3. The delete Operator Only Removes Own Properties

The delete operator only works on properties that are directly on the object. It won’t delete properties inherited from an object’s prototype.


const employee = Object.create({ department: "Engineering" });
employee.firstName = "Ramesh";
employee.lastName = "Fadatare";

// Attempting to delete an inherited property
delete employee.department;

console.log(employee.department); // Output: Engineering

In this example, the department property is inherited from the prototype and can't be deleted by the delete operator.

4. Checking for Property Existence Before Deleting

You can check if a property exists in an object before deleting it using the hasOwnProperty() method or the in operator.


const employee = {
  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare",
  email: ""

if (employee.hasOwnProperty("email")) {



  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare"

In this example, the hasOwnProperty() method checks if the email property exists before deleting it.

5. delete vs Setting Property to undefined or null

It's important to note that delete removes the property entirely, while setting a property to undefined or null keeps the property in the object but without a meaningful value.


const employee = {
  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare",
  email: ""

// Setting email to undefined = undefined;

console.log(employee); // Output: { firstName: "Ramesh", lastName: "Fadatare", email: undefined }

In this case, the email property still exists in the object but is now undefined.

Example of using delete:


console.log(employee); // Output: { firstName: "Ramesh", lastName: "Fadatare" }

Here, the email property is completely removed from the object.


To remove a property from an object in JavaScript, the delete operator is the most common and effective method. Remember that delete only removes own properties, not those inherited from a prototype. If you need the property to remain but with no value, you can set it to undefined or null instead of using delete.


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