JavaScript: Convert an Array to a String


In JavaScript, converting an array to a string is a common task, especially when you need to represent the contents of an array as a single string. JavaScript provides several methods to convert an array to a string, such as toString(), join(), and others. This program will demonstrate how to convert an array to a string using these methods.

Problem Statement

Create a JavaScript program that:

  • Accepts an array of elements.
  • Converts the array to a string, either by separating elements with a comma (default) or by using a custom separator.
  • Returns and displays the resulting string.


  • Input: [1, 2, 3, 4]

  • Output: "1,2,3,4"

  • Input: ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] (separator: "-")

  • Output: "apple-banana-cherry"

Solution Steps

  1. Read the Input Array: Provide an array of elements either as user input or directly in the code.
  2. Convert the Array to a String: Use toString() or join() to convert the array to a string.
  3. Display the Result: Print the resulting string.

JavaScript Program

Example 1: Convert an Array to a String Using toString()

// JavaScript Program to Convert an Array to a String Using toString()
// Author:

function arrayToStringUsingToString(arr) {
    // Step 1: Use toString() to convert the array to a string
    return arr.toString();

// Example input
let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let resultString = arrayToStringUsingToString(numbers);
console.log(`Converted String: "${resultString}"`);


Converted String: "1,2,3,4"

Example 2: Convert an Array to a String Using join()

// JavaScript Program to Convert an Array to a String Using join()
// Author:

function arrayToStringUsingJoin(arr, separator) {
    // Step 1: Use join() to convert the array to a string with a custom separator
    return arr.join(separator);

// Example input
let fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"];
let resultString = arrayToStringUsingJoin(fruits, "-");
console.log(`Converted String: "${resultString}"`);


Converted String: "apple-banana-cherry"


Step 1: Use toString() Method

  • The toString() method converts all elements in the array into a string separated by commas. This is a simple method, but it doesn't allow custom separators.
    • Example: array.toString() converts [1, 2, 3, 4] to "1,2,3,4".

Step 2: Use join() Method

  • The join() method converts the array to a string and allows you to specify a custom separator between the elements. If no separator is provided, join() defaults to a comma.
    • Example: array.join("-") converts ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] to "apple-banana-cherry".

Step 3: Return and Display the Result

  • The converted string is returned by the function and printed using console.log().


This JavaScript program demonstrates how to convert an array to a string using both the toString() and join() methods. While toString() is simple and adds commas as separators by default, join() provides more flexibility by allowing you to specify a custom separator. These methods are useful when you need to represent an array as a string for display or data manipulation purposes.


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