JavaScript: Add a Property to an Object

In JavaScript, objects are dynamic, which means you can add properties to them at any time. There are multiple ways to add a property to an existing object, whether you're working with object literals or more complex objects. This guide will cover the different methods you can use.

1. Using Dot Notation

The most common and straightforward way to add a new property to an object is by using dot notation. This method directly adds the property to the object.


const employee = {
  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare"

// Adding a new property = "";



  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare",
  email: ""

In this example, we add the email property to the employee object using dot notation.

2. Using Bracket Notation

Another way to add a property is by using bracket notation. This method is useful if the property name is stored in a variable or contains special characters.


const employee = {
  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare"

const property = "email";

// Adding a new property using bracket notation
employee[property] = "";



  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare",
  email: ""

Bracket notation is especially handy when dealing with dynamic property names or when the property name is not a valid identifier (e.g., it contains spaces).

3. Using Object.defineProperty()

You can also add properties using the Object.defineProperty() method, which gives you more control over the property's behavior. You can define whether the property is writable, enumerable, or configurable.


const employee = {
  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare"

// Adding a new property using Object.defineProperty
Object.defineProperty(employee, "email", {
  value: "",
  writable: true,
  enumerable: true,
  configurable: true



  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare",
  email: ""

Using Object.defineProperty() is helpful when you need to fine-tune the property’s characteristics, such as making it non-writable or non-enumerable.

4. Adding Multiple Properties

You can add multiple properties at once using the spread operator or by directly assigning them.

Example 1: Using Multiple Assignments

const employee = {
  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare"

// Adding multiple properties = "";
employee.department = "Engineering";


Example 2: Using the Spread Operator

const employee = {
  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare"

const newProperties = {
  email: "",
  department: "Engineering"

// Adding multiple properties using the spread operator
const updatedEmployee = { ...employee, ...newProperties };


Output for both:

  firstName: "Ramesh",
  lastName: "Fadatare",
  email: "",
  department: "Engineering"


Adding properties to an object in JavaScript is simple and can be done in various ways depending on your needs. For basic use cases, dot notation and bracket notation work well. If you need more control, use Object.defineProperty(). You can also use the spread operator to add multiple properties at once.


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