Flask Quiz - MCQ Questions and Answers

Flask is a lightweight and flexible Python web framework known for its simplicity and ease of use. This quiz will help you test your knowledge of Flask basics, routing, templates, and core concepts.

Let’s begin with these multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to test your understanding of Flask.

1. What is Flask?

a) A JavaScript framework
b) A Python web framework
c) A PHP framework
d) A CSS framework


b) A Python web framework


Flask is a popular Python web framework designed for building web applications quickly and with flexibility.

2. Flask is based on which programming language?

a) Java
b) Ruby
c) Python
d) PHP


c) Python


Flask is a micro web framework written in Python, designed to be simple and lightweight for web development.

3. Flask is classified as a _____ web framework.

a) Full-stack
b) Minimalistic
c) Monolithic
d) Overloaded


b) Minimalistic


Flask is considered a minimalistic or micro-framework because it provides the essential features needed to build a web application without unnecessary complexity.

4. What is the default server used by Flask during development?

a) Apache
b) Nginx
c) Werkzeug
d) uWSGI


c) Werkzeug


Werkzeug is a comprehensive WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) web server used by Flask for development purposes.

5. In Flask, which decorator is used to bind a function to a URL?

a) @app.route()
b) @flask.url()
c) @route()
d) @url_for()


a) @app.route()


The @app.route() decorator in Flask binds a URL to a specific function, defining how that URL is handled by the application.

6. Which command is used to start a Flask development server?

a) flask run
b) python flask.py runserver
c) flask runserver
d) python run


a) flask run


You can start the Flask development server by using the command flask run in the terminal.

7. In Flask, how do you render an HTML template?

a) render()
b) render_template()
c) template()
d) render_html()


b) render_template()


The render_template() function in Flask is used to render an HTML template and return it as a response.

8. Which file format is commonly used for templates in Flask?

a) .txt
b) .csv
c) .html
d) .json


c) .html


Flask commonly uses HTML files for templates, allowing you to create dynamic web pages by embedding Python variables in the templates.

9. What is Jinja2 in the context of Flask?

a) A database management system
b) A Python package for handling HTTP requests
c) A templating engine for rendering HTML templates
d) A Flask extension for adding security features


c) A templating engine for rendering HTML templates


Jinja2 is the templating engine used by Flask to render dynamic HTML templates, allowing Python code to be embedded within HTML.

10. How can you access form data in a Flask request?

a) request.form
b) request.data
c) request.input
d) request.files


a) request.form


You can access form data in Flask by using the request.form object, which contains form fields sent via a POST request.

11. How do you handle file uploads in Flask?

a) By using request.files
b) By using request.form
c) By using request.upload()
d) By saving the data in session


a) By using request.files


In Flask, files can be handled using the request.files object, which contains the uploaded file sent via an HTML form.

12. What is the default HTTP method used by Flask routes?

b) PUT
d) GET


d) GET


The default HTTP method for Flask routes is GET, which is used for retrieving data from the server.

13. How can you redirect a user to another URL in Flask?

a) redirect()
b) url_for()
c) render_template()
d) send_file()


a) redirect()


The redirect() function in Flask is used to redirect users to a different URL.

14. What does the url_for() function do in Flask?

a) It generates a URL for the specified function or endpoint
b) It redirects the user to a new page
c) It renders an HTML template
d) It manages HTTP methods


a) It generates a URL for the specified function or endpoint


The url_for() function in Flask is used to dynamically generate a URL for the specified function or view by passing the function name.

15. In Flask, how do you access query parameters from a URL?

a) request.query
b) request.args
c) request.params
d) request.get()


b) request.args


To access query parameters in Flask, you can use the request.args object, which contains the key-value pairs passed in the URL.

16. What is Flask-WTF used for?

a) Handling file uploads
b) Working with forms
c) Handling static files
d) Managing the database


b) Working with forms


Flask-WTF is an extension for Flask that simplifies working with forms by integrating WTForms into Flask applications.

17. How can you define static files like CSS and JavaScript in Flask?

a) By creating a folder named "static" in the project directory
b) By placing the files in the root directory
c) By using the Flask-WTF extension
d) By embedding the files directly in the HTML


a) By creating a folder named "static" in the project directory


In Flask, static files such as CSS and JavaScript are typically placed in a directory named static in the project folder, and Flask serves them from this directory.

18. How can you use environment variables with Flask?

a) By using os.environ
b) By using request.args
c) By using request.env
d) By using config.env


a) By using os.environ


In Flask, you can use the Python os.environ module to access and work with environment variables.

19. What is the primary configuration file in Flask?

a) config.py
b) settings.py
c) flask.py
d) app.py


a) config.py


The config.py file is typically used to store configuration variables such as secret keys, database URLs, and debug settings in a Flask project.

20. How can you debug a Flask application?

a) By running Flask in debug mode
b) By using the Flask-WTF extension
c) By modifying the database schema
d) By running flask with the --trace flag


a) By running Flask in debug mode


To debug a Flask application, you can enable debug mode, which provides detailed error logs and an interactive debugger when errors occur.

These questions cover the basic concepts of Flask, including routing, templates, forms, and more. Understanding these concepts will help you build and maintain web applications using Flask.
