OAuth 2 Interview Questions

OAuth 2.0 is an open authorization framework that enables third-party applications to access user resources without exposing their credentials. It has become a standard for securing APIs and handling authorization in web applications. As OAuth 2.0 is widely adopted, understanding its core concepts, flows, and best practices is crucial for developers. This blog post covers the top 10 OAuth 2.0 interview questions for 2024 to help you prepare effectively.

1. What is OAuth 2.0?

Answer: OAuth 2.0 is an open authorization framework that allows third-party applications to obtain limited access to user resources without exposing the user's credentials. It provides a way for users to grant access to their information hosted by a service provider to third-party applications without sharing their login credentials. OAuth 2.0 is widely used for token-based authentication and authorization in web and mobile applications.

2. Explain the main roles in the OAuth 2.0 framework.

Answer: The main roles in the OAuth 2.0 framework are:

  • Resource Owner: The user who authorizes an application to access their resources.
  • Client: The application requesting access to the user's resources.
  • Resource Server: The server hosting the protected resources, capable of accepting and responding to protected resource requests using access tokens.
  • Authorization Server: The server issues access tokens to the client after successfully authenticating the resource owner and obtaining authorization.

3. What are OAuth 2.0 grant types, and why are they important?

Answer: OAuth 2.0 defines several grant types, each suited for different use cases. Grant types are methods by which an application can obtain an access token. The primary grant types are:

  • Authorization Code Grant: Used by web applications to obtain access tokens through an authorization server.
  • Implicit Grant: Used by client-side applications (e.g., single-page apps) to obtain access tokens directly.
  • Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant: Used by applications to obtain access tokens by directly handling the resource owner's credentials.
  • Client Credentials Grant: Used by applications to obtain access tokens without user involvement, typically for machine-to-machine communication.
  • Refresh Token Grant: Used to obtain a new access token using a valid refresh token.

Grant types are important because they provide different mechanisms for obtaining access tokens, catering to various application scenarios and security requirements.

4. How does the Authorization Code Grant flow work?

Answer: The Authorization Code Grant flow involves multiple steps:

  1. Authorization Request: The client redirects the resource owner to the authorization server's authorization endpoint, requesting authorization.
  2. Authorization Grant: The resource owner grants or denies the authorization request.
  3. Authorization Response: If the resource owner grants authorization, the authorization server redirects the resource owner back to the client with an authorization code.
  4. Token Request: The client exchanges the authorization code for an access token by making a request to the authorization server's token endpoint.
  5. Token Response: The authorization server issues an access token (and optionally a refresh token) to the client.

This flow is secure because the client cannot directly access the access token without the authorization code, reducing the risk of token leakage.

5. What is a refresh token, and how is it used?

Answer: A refresh token is a credential used to obtain a new access token without requiring the resource owner to re-authenticate. Refresh tokens are long-lived and typically issued alongside access tokens. They allow clients to maintain access to resources over an extended period without prompting the user for credentials repeatedly.

Example: When an access token expires, the client can request a new access token using the refresh token by making a request to the authorization server's token endpoint. The server verifies the refresh token and, if valid, issues a new access token (and potentially a new refresh token).

6. What is the Implicit Grant flow, and when should it be used?

Answer: The Implicit Grant flow is a simplified OAuth 2.0 flow designed for client-side applications, such as single-page apps. It is used when the client cannot securely store a client secret.

Flow Steps:

  1. Authorization Request: The client redirects the resource owner to the authorization server's authorization endpoint, requesting an access token.
  2. Authorization Response: If the resource owner grants authorization, the authorization server redirects the resource owner back to the client with an access token in the URL fragment.

When to Use:

  • Client-Side Applications: When the client cannot securely store secrets (e.g., in-browser JavaScript applications).
  • Short-Lived Access: When access tokens are short-lived and there's minimal risk in exposing them directly in the URL.



7. What are the security considerations when using OAuth 2.0?

Answer: Security considerations in OAuth 2.0 include:

  • Secure Communication: Always use HTTPS to encrypt the communication between clients, resource servers, and authorization servers.
  • Token Expiration: Use short-lived access tokens and long-lived refresh tokens to minimize the impact of token leakage.
  • Scope Limitation: Restrict the access scope of tokens to the minimum required by the client.
  • PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange): Use PKCE to protect authorization code grants in public clients (e.g., mobile apps).
  • Secure Storage: Store access tokens and refresh tokens securely to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Client Authentication: Use client authentication to ensure only legitimate clients can request tokens.

8. What is PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange), and why is it important?

Answer: PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) is an extension to the Authorization Code Grant flow that enhances security for public clients (e.g., mobile apps). It mitigates authorization code interception attacks.

How PKCE Works:

  1. Code Challenge: The client generates a random string called the code verifier and derives a code challenge from it.
  2. Authorization Request: The client includes the code challenge in the authorization request.
  3. Authorization Response: The authorization server includes the authorization code in the response.
  4. Token Request: The client sends the authorization code and the code verifier to the token endpoint.
  5. Token Response: The authorization server verifies the code challenge and issues an access token.


PKCE adds an extra layer of security by ensuring that only the client who initiated the authorization request can obtain the access token.

9. How do you implement OAuth 2.0 with Spring Security?

Answer: Spring Security provides comprehensive support for implementing OAuth 2.0. Here's a basic example of configuring OAuth 2.0 client in a Spring Boot application using the latest version, which no longer uses the deprecated WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter.

Dependencies (pom.xml):


Configuration (application.yml):

            client-id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID
            client-secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET
            scope: profile, email
            redirect-uri: "{baseUrl}/login/oauth2/code/{registrationId}"
            authorization-uri: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth
            token-uri: https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token
            user-info-uri: https://openidconnect.googleapis.com/v1/userinfo

Security Configuration (SecurityConfig.java):

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.builders.HttpSecurity;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configuration.EnableWebSecurity;
import org.springframework.security.web.SecurityFilterChain;

public class SecurityConfig {

    public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            .authorizeHttpRequests(authorizeRequests ->
        return http.build();

10. What is the Client Credentials Grant, and when should it be used?

Answer: The Client Credentials Grant is a flow in OAuth 2.0 where the client can obtain an access token by using its own credentials, without involving a resource owner. This flow is typically used for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication.

Flow Steps:

  1. Token Request: The client sends a POST request to the token endpoint with its client ID and client secret.
  2. Token Response: The authorization server issues an access token.

When to Use:

  • Machine-to-Machine Communication: When two services need to communicate without involving a user.
  • Backend Services: When backend services need to authenticate with other services.


POST /token
Host: authorization-server.com
Authorization: Basic BASE64(CLIENT_ID:CLIENT_SECRET)
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



  "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 3600


OAuth 2.0 is a robust framework for authorization, and understanding its concepts and best practices is essential for developers working with secure APIs and web applications. This blog post covered the top 10 OAuth 2.0 interview questions for 2024, helping you prepare effectively for your next interview. By mastering these concepts, you will be well-equipped to tackle any OAuth 2.0-related challenges you may encounter.
