Spring Boot Online Test

Welcome to the Spring Boot Online Test! This quiz is designed for beginners and consists of 25 multiple-choice questions. It covers the fundamental concepts of Spring Boot, its configuration, and its use in developing Java applications.

You can select the correct answer for each question and submit the test. You will get your online test score after finishing the complete test.

1. What is the primary goal of Spring Boot?

a) To provide a set of Java APIs for Windows applications
b) To support web development with PHP
c) To create stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications
d) To enhance the performance of Java Virtual Machine

2. Which version of Java is required for Spring Boot 3?

a) Java 8
b) Java 11
c) Java 17
d) Java 21

3. What is the role of @SpringBootApplication annotation in Spring Boot?

a) It is used to define a batch job
b) It is used to mark a configuration class
c) It is a convenience annotation that adds @SpringBootConfiguration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan
d) It is used for defining RESTful web services

4. What is the purpose of Spring Boot Starters?

a) To provide scripts for starting and stopping the application
b) To provide a set of convenient dependency descriptors for a specific type of application
c) To automatically configure security settings
d) To offer a graphical user interface for application configuration

5. What is the purpose of Spring Boot Actuator?

a) To provide support for client-side UI development
b) To offer a set of production-ready features to help monitor and manage the application
c) To enable batch processing capabilities
d) To provide ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) support

6. What is the default server used by Spring Boot for web applications?

a) Apache Tomcat
b) Oracle WebLogic
c) IBM WebSphere
d) Apache Server

7. What is the default port for a web application in Spring Boot?

a) 80
b) 443
c) 8080
d) 8000

8. How can you customize the banner in a Spring Boot application?

a) Modifying the application.properties file
b) Adding a banner.txt file in the classpath
c) Writing custom Java code
d) Using the Spring Boot CLI

9. Which component in Spring Boot automatically configures a data source when database properties are specified?

a) DataSourceAutoConfiguration
b) JdbcTemplate
c) HibernateTemplate
d) DataSourceBuilder

10. What is the purpose of the spring-boot-starter-web dependency?

a) To support desktop application development
b) To provide basic web and RESTful development support
c) To enable WebSocket functionality
d) To add support for batch processing

11. What is the purpose of the spring-boot-starter-test dependency?

a) To provide support for testing Spring Boot applications
b) To enable live testing of web applications
c) To offer a testing framework for database operations
d) To integrate external testing tools

12. How can you run a Spring Boot application?

a) By using the Java -jar command with the application's JAR file
b) By deploying it on a web server like Apache Tomcat
c) By executing a main method in an IDE
d) All of the above

13. What is the purpose of the @Autowired annotation in Spring Boot?

a) To manually inject dependencies into Spring beans.
b) To automatically inject dependencies into Spring beans.
c) To create asynchronous methods.
d) To validate method arguments.

14. What is the use of the @RestController annotation in Spring Boot?

a) It marks the class as a web controller, capable of handling REST API requests.
b) It creates a new RESTful web service.
c) It is used to annotate configuration settings.
d) It specifies properties to be loaded into the application context.

15. How do you run a Spring Boot application using Maven?

a) mvn spring-boot:run
b) mvn install
c) mvn compile
d) mvn package

16. Which dependency management tool is most commonly used with Spring Boot?

a) Gradle
b) Maven
c) Apache Ant
d) Make

17. What does the spring-boot-starter-parent POM provide?

a) Web interfaces
b) Dependency management and default configurations
c) Security configurations
d) Database configurations

18. What is the Spring Initializr?

a) A dependency injector for Spring applications.
b) A tool for adding classes to a project.
c) A web-based tool that helps to create the basic Spring Boot project structure.
d) A command-line tool to build Spring applications.

19. What is the role of the @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation?

a) It allows Spring Boot to automatically configure the application context.
b) It enables the auto-wiring of beans.
c) It switches on the Spring MVC configuration automatically.
d) It enables performance optimization.

20. Which file is used to configure application properties in Spring Boot?

a) application.properties
b) config.xml
c) springboot.config
d) app.properties

21. Which Spring Boot annotation is used to schedule tasks?

a) @Scheduled
b) @EnableScheduling
c) @Async
d) @Task

22. What is the purpose of the @ConfigurationProperties annotation in Spring Boot?

a) To define controller methods
b) To bind external configuration properties to a bean
c) To create HTML templates
d) To configure Spring Security

23. What is the default scope of a Spring bean in Spring Boot?

a) Prototype
b) Request
c) Singleton
d) Session

24. What is the purpose of the @Service annotation in Spring Boot?

a) To define a REST controller
b) To mark a class as a service class in the service layer
c) To create scheduled tasks
d) To configure application properties

25. How can you enable transaction management in a Spring Boot application?

a) By using the @Transactional annotation
b) Through XML configuration
c) By manually managing transactions in the service layer
d) By using a specialized transaction management server

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