Visual Basic Quiz - MCQ Questions and Answers

Embark on a journey through the basics and beyond with our Visual Basic Quiz, designed for learners at all levels. This set of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) covers everything from fundamental syntax to advanced programming concepts in Visual Basic, a language known for its user-friendly interface and robust capabilities. 

With each question accompanied by an answer and explanation, this quiz offers a valuable opportunity to test and enhance your understanding of one of Microsoft's cornerstone programming languages. Whether starting fresh or brushing up on your skills, dive in to assess and expand your knowledge.

1. What does VB stand for in Visual Basic?

a) Visual Binary
b) Visual Block
c) Visual Batch
d) Visual Basic

2. Which company developed Visual Basic?

a) Apple
b) Microsoft
c) IBM
d) Google

3. What type of programming language is Visual Basic?

a) Procedural
b) Object-oriented
c) Functional
d) Logic-based

4. In Visual Basic, which method is used to start the execution of a program?

a) Start()
b) Begin()
c) Init()
d) Main()

5. Which of the following is a valid comment syntax in Visual Basic?

a) // This is a comment
b) <!-- This is a comment -->
c) ' This is a comment
d) /* This is a comment */

6. What does IDE stand for in the context of Visual Basic?

a) Integrated Development Environment
b) Interactive Development Engine
c) Internal Development Environment
d) Integrated Development Engine

7. Which of the following data types is NOT supported in Visual Basic?

a) String
b) Boolean
c) Array
d) Character

8. How do you declare a variable in Visual Basic?

a) var x As Integer
b) Dim x As Integer
c) Integer x
d) int x = 0

9. Which Visual Basic component is used to display a simple message or get user input?

a) Label
b) TextBox
c) MessageBox
d) Panel

10. In Visual Basic, which control is used for inputting text?

a) Label
b) Button
c) TextBox
d) PictureBox

11. What does GUI stand for in Visual Basic programming?

a) General User Interaction
b) Graphical User Interface
c) General Utility Interface
d) Graphical Utility Interaction

12. Which operator is used for string concatenation in Visual Basic?

a) +
b) &
c) #
d) $

13. What keyword is used to define a subroutine in Visual Basic?

a) Function
b) Sub
c) Define
d) Method

14. How can you create an array in Visual Basic?

a) Dim arr() As Integer
b) Array arr() As Integer
c) Integer[] arr
d) Dim arr As Integer[]

15. What is the use of the 'For Each' loop in Visual Basic?

a) To execute a set of statements for each element in an array or collection
b) To iterate over a range of numbers
c) To execute a loop a fixed number of times
d) To loop through code until a condition is met

16. Which event is fired when a form is loaded in Visual Basic?

a) OnLoad
b) Load
c) FormLoad
d) InitializeComponent

17. How do you handle errors in Visual Basic?

a) Using the 'Try...Catch' statement
b) Using the 'Error' statement
c) Using the 'Fault' statement
d) Using the 'OnError' statement

18. In Visual Basic, what is the scope of a variable declared inside a subroutine?

a) Global
b) Local
c) Static
d) Public

19. Which keyword is used to exit a loop prematurely in Visual Basic?

a) Exit
b) Break
c) Stop
d) Leave

20. What is the purpose of the 'Me' keyword in Visual Basic?

a) To refer to the current instance of a class or form
b) To declare static variables
c) To call global functions
d) To create a new object instance

21. How do you declare a constant in Visual Basic?

a) Dim const x As Integer = 10
b) Const x As Integer = 10
c) Constant x = 10
d) Define x As Const = 10

22. Which property is used to change the text of a label in Visual Basic?

a) Text
b) Content
c) Value
d) Title

23. What does the 'Val' function do in Visual Basic?

a) Validates the syntax of the code
b) Returns the numeric value of a string
c) Checks the validity of variables
d) Converts integers to strings

24. Which property is used to set the background color of a form in Visual Basic?

a) Background
b) Color
c) BackColor
d) BgColor

25. How can you hide a form in Visual Basic?

a) Form.Hide()
b) Hide.Form()
c) Form.Visible = False
d) Both a and c are correct

26. How do you implement inheritance in Visual Basic?

a) Using the Inherits keyword
b) Using the Implements keyword
c) Using the Extension keyword
d) Using the Interface keyword

27. What is the purpose of the 'Overloads' keyword in Visual Basic?

a) To specify that a method should override a base class method
b) To load a method at runtime
c) To allow multiple methods with the same name but different parameters
d) To increase the load time of methods

28. In Visual Basic, which keyword is used to declare an interface?

a) Class
b) Module
c) Interface
d) Structure

29. Which statement is used to handle errors in Visual Basic other than 'Try...Catch'?

a) Error...Resume
b) On Error GoTo
c) Catch...Finally
d) Resume Next

30. How can you make a class member invisible to derived classes in Visual Basic?

a) By declaring it with the Private keyword
b) By declaring it with the Protected keyword
c) By declaring it with the Friend keyword
d) By declaring it with the Public keyword

31. What does the 'WithEvents' keyword in Visual Basic do?

a) It declares a variable to respond to events
b) It creates a new event within a class
c) It starts the event handling mechanism
d) It associates an event with a delegate

32. Which of the following is the correct way to define a generic method in Visual Basic?

a) Sub MyMethod(Of T)(ByVal arg As T)
b) Sub MyMethod<T>(ByVal arg As T)
c) Function MyMethod<T> As T
d) Function MyMethod(Of T) As T

33. How do you enforce a class to implement certain properties or methods in Visual Basic?

a) By using the 'MustInherit' keyword in the class
b) By using the 'Implements' keyword in the class
c) By declaring the class as 'Static'
d) By using the 'Abstract' keyword in the class

34. In Visual Basic, how can you dynamically allocate memory to an array?

a) Using the New keyword
b) Using the Dim statement with ReDim
c) Using the Allocate method
d) Using the CreateArray function

35. What is the purpose of the 'Async' and 'Await' keywords in Visual Basic?

a) To pause the execution of a program
b) To run a loop asynchronously
c) To perform asynchronous operations, allowing other tasks to run in the meantime
d) To synchronize multiple threads


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