MS Word Quiz - MCQ Questions and Answers

Welcome to MS Word Quiz, featuring a series of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs). This Quiz is expertly designed to test your knowledge and proficiency with Microsoft Word, one of the most widely used word-processing tools in the world. 

This quiz covers a broad spectrum of topics, from basic functionalities and document formatting to advanced features like Mail Merge, Track Changes, and the use of shortcut keys for efficiency. Whether you're a beginner looking to familiarize yourself with MS Word or an experienced user aiming to refresh your skills, these carefully selected questions and answers will help you assess your understanding of the software. 

Dive into this quiz to challenge yourself, enhance your MS Word capabilities, and ensure you make the most of this powerful tool in your daily tasks and professional endeavours.

1. What is the default file extension of Microsoft Word documents created in Word 2013 and later?

a) .doc
b) .docx
c) .wrd
d) .text

2. How can you insert a page break in a Microsoft Word document?

a) Press Enter until a new page appears
b) Use the key combination Ctrl + Enter
c) Insert > Text > Page Break
d) File > New Page

3. Which feature in MS Word automatically corrects common spelling and typing errors?

a) AutoFix
b) AutoCorrect
c) Spell Check
d) Grammar Check

4. In MS Word, what is the purpose of 'Track Changes'?

a) To monitor changes in document layout
b) To track the time spent editing the document
c) To record the changes made to the document by different reviewers
d) To keep track of word count

5. Which tab in MS Word provides options to insert pictures, shapes, and charts?

a) Home
b) Insert
c) Design
d) Layout

6. What is a 'Template' in MS Word?

a) A predefined document layout and style that serves as a starting point for a new document
b) A tool for managing document revisions
c) A feature that allows for automatic content generation
d) An add-in for advanced document formatting

7. How can you make text bold in MS Word?

a) Use the key combination Ctrl + B
b) Italicize the text
c) Use the 'Bold' button in the 'Font' group on the 'Home' tab
d) Both a and c

8. Which feature lets you capture and use screenshots directly in your Word document?

a) Screen Grab
b) Screenshot
c) Clip Art
d) Picture Capture

9. How can you adjust the space between lines of text in MS Word?

a) Page Layout > Paragraph > Line Spacing
b) Home > Paragraph > Line Spacing
c) Insert > Line Spacing
d) Review > Spacing

10. What is the purpose of the 'Comment' feature in MS Word?

a) To delete parts of the text
b) To add notes or feedback about the document text without changing the actual text
c) To highlight the text
d) To change the font color of the text

11. Which view mode in MS Word is best suited for reading long documents?

a) Print Layout
b) Web Layout
c) Read Mode
d) Outline

12. How do you insert a hyperlink in an MS Word document?

a) Right-click and select 'Add Hyperlink'
b) Use the key combination Ctrl + K
c) Insert > Hyperlink
d) Both b and c

13. What function does the 'Thesaurus' feature provide in MS Word?

a) Checking document security
b) Finding synonyms and antonyms for words
c) Translating text into different languages
d) Counting the words in the document

14. Which tool in MS Word can you use to add a table of contents to your document?

a) References > Table of Contents
b) Insert > Table
c) Layout > Table of Contents
d) Review > Table of Contents

15. How can you change the orientation of a page in an MS Word document?

a) Home > Orientation
b) Layout > Page Setup > Orientation
c) View > Page Orientation
d) Insert > Page Orientation

16. In MS Word, what is 'Mail Merge' used for?

a) Merging email accounts
b) Sending personalized emails to multiple recipients
c) Combining multiple Word documents into one
d) Checking email within Word

17. Which of the following allows for the collaborative editing of Word documents in real time?

a) MS Word Online
b) Save as PDF
c) Track Changes
d) WordArt

18. How do you add a footer to a Word document?

a) Layout > Footer
b) Insert > Header & Footer > Footer
c) View > Footer
d) References > Footer

19. What does the 'Word Count' feature in MS Word do?

a) Counts the number of sentences in the document
b) Counts the number of pages in the document
c) Provides a count of words, characters, paragraphs, and pages in the document
d) Estimates the reading time of the document

20. Which feature would you use to insert a predesigned cover page into your Word document?

a) Insert > Cover Page
b) Layout > Cover Page
c) References > Cover Page
d) Design > Cover Page

21. How do you remove all formatting from selected text in MS Word?

a) Edit > Clear > Clear Formatting
b) Home > Clear All Formatting
c) Home > Font > Clear All Formatting
d) Right-click the text and select 'Clear Formatting'

22. What feature in MS Word checks for potential grammatical errors in a document?

a) AutoCorrect
b) Spell Check
c) Grammar Check
d) Thesaurus

23. Which option should you use to insert a non-breaking space in MS Word?

a) Ctrl + Space
b) Ctrl + Shift + Space
c) Alt + Space
d) Shift + Space

24. In MS Word, what is the default view mode?

a) Web Layout
b) Print Layout
c) Draft
d) Outline

25. How can you protect a Word document from being edited by others?

a) File > Protect Document > Encrypt with Password
b) File > Info > Protect Document > Restrict Editing
c) Review > Protect > Restrict Editing
d) Tools > Options > Security > Protect Document

26. Which shortcut key is used to save a document in MS Word?

a) Ctrl + S
b) Ctrl + C
c) Ctrl + V
d) Ctrl + Z

27. What is the shortcut for copying selected text or an object in MS Word?

a) Ctrl + X
b) Ctrl + C
c) Ctrl + V
d) Ctrl + A

28. Which shortcut key is used to paste text from the clipboard into a Word document?

a) Ctrl + P
b) Ctrl + X
c) Ctrl + V
d) Ctrl + Z

29. How can you undo the last action in MS Word?

a) Ctrl + Y
b) Ctrl + Z
c) Ctrl + U
d) Ctrl + X

30. What is the shortcut key for opening the Find dialog box to search text in an MS Word document?

a) Ctrl + F
b) Ctrl + H
c) Ctrl + G
d) Ctrl + E

31. Which shortcut key is used to create a new document in MS Word?

a) Ctrl + N
b) Ctrl + O
c) Ctrl + S
d) Ctrl + W

32. How can you close the active document window in MS Word?

a) Ctrl + F4
b) Alt + F4
c) Ctrl + W
d) Both a and c are correct

33. What is the shortcut for bolding the selected text in an MS Word document?

a) Ctrl + B
b) Ctrl + I
c) Ctrl + U
d) Ctrl + E

34. Which shortcut key helps you to italicize the selected text?

a) Ctrl + I
b) Ctrl + B
c) Ctrl + U
d) Ctrl + E

35. How do you apply underline formatting to the selected text?

a) Ctrl + B
b) Ctrl + I
c) Ctrl + U
d) Ctrl + E


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