Excel Quiz - MCQ Questions and Answers

In this quiz, we present 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to Microsoft Excel, complete with answers and explanations. Go ahead and test your Excel knowledge with this quiz.

1. What is Microsoft Excel primarily used for?

a) Word processing
b) Database management
c) Spreadsheet calculations and data analysis
d) Creating presentations

2. What symbol is used to start a formula in Excel?

a) #
b) @
c) =
d) $

3. How can you sum the values in cells A1 through A10 in Excel?

a) =SUM(A1:A10)
b) =TOTAL(A1:A10)
c) =ADD(A1:A10)
d) =SUMMARY(A1:A10)

4. What is a Pivot Table used for in Excel?

a) Sorting data
b) Organizing and summarizing large amounts of data
c) Merging two tables
d) Changing the font style of a table

5. What does the '$' symbol signify in an Excel formula?

a) It converts a number into a dollar value
b) It signifies an absolute cell reference
c) It indicates a variable
d) It represents a constant value

6. What is Conditional Formatting in Excel?

a) A way to format text in a cell
b) Formatting a cell based on certain conditions or criteria
c) Changing a cell's format when it is selected
d) Formatting that automatically adjusts when the workbook is updated

7. What function would you use to find the largest number in a range of cells?

a) MAX

8. What is a 'Workbook' in Excel?

a) A single worksheet
b) A collection of charts
c) A template file
d) An Excel file containing one or more worksheets

9. What is the keyboard shortcut to save a workbook in Excel?

a) Ctrl + S
b) Ctrl + N
c) Ctrl + P
d) Ctrl + O

10. How do you insert a new row in Excel?

a) Right-click on an existing row and select 'Insert Row'
b) Use the shortcut Ctrl + R
c) Select the 'New Row' option from the Home tab
d) Drag the bottom edge of an existing row downwards

11. Which Excel feature automatically fills in values when you drag the handle?

a) AutoSum
b) AutoFill
c) Quick Fill
d) Drag Fill

12. What type of chart is best for comparing parts of a whole?

a) Line chart
b) Bar chart
c) Pie chart
d) Scatter chart

13. What is a 'range' in Excel?

a) A set of rows and columns
b) A single cell
c) A collection of contiguous cells
d) The maximum value in a set of data

14. How do you freeze panes in Excel?

a) Right-click on a cell and select 'Freeze Panes'
b) Go to the View tab and click 'Freeze Panes'
c) Double-click the cell where you want to freeze the panes
d) Use the shortcut Ctrl + F

15. What is VLOOKUP in Excel?

a) A function to look up and retrieve data in a table
b) A function to validate data
c) A feature to look for errors in formulas
d) A tool to visualize data lookup trends

16. How can you protect a worksheet in Excel?

a) By setting a password
b) By hiding the worksheet
c) By converting it to a PDF
d) By deleting unnecessary data

17. What does the IF function do in Excel?

a) Checks whether a condition is met and returns one value if true and another value if false
b) Increases the font size of text
c) Inserts a new column
d) Filters data based on a criterion

18. What does the 'Merge & Center' feature do in Excel?

a) Combines multiple cells into one and centers the content
b) Merges data from different sheets
c) Centers text in the selected cells
d) Merges duplicate data

19. What type of chart would be best to display data over time?

a) Pie chart
b) Line chart
c) Column chart
d) Area chart

20. What function do you use to calculate the average of a set of numbers in Excel?

d) SUM

21. What is the keyboard shortcut to open a new Excel workbook?

a) Ctrl + N
b) Ctrl + O
c) Ctrl + S
d) Ctrl + W

22. How do you add a comment to a cell in Excel?

a) Right-click the cell and select 'Add Comment'
b) Double-click the cell and start typing
c) Use the shortcut Ctrl + C
d) Go to the Insert tab and select 'Comment'

23. What is 'Data Validation' used for in Excel?

a) To correct wrong data
b) To validate formulas
c) To control the type of data or the values that users enter into a cell
d) To validate a user's identity

24. What does 'Concatenate' mean in Excel?

a) To separate text in a cell
b) To add numbers in different cells
c) To join two or more text strings into one string
d) To divide a cell into multiple cells

25. How can you hide a column in Excel?

a) By deleting the column
b) By changing the font color to white
c) By right-clicking the column header and selecting 'Hide'
d) By setting the column width to zero

26. What is the use of the 'Sort' feature in Excel?

a) To add data to cells
b) To arrange data in a specific order
c) To change data format
d) To merge cells

27. What is the maximum number of rows in Excel 2016 and later versions?

a) 65,536
b) 1,048,576
c) 100,000
d) 500,000

28. What is a 'Header Row' in Excel?

a) The first row of a worksheet
b) The top row of a table that contains column titles
c) A row that repeats on every printed page
d) The row at the bottom of the spreadsheet

29. What is 'Flash Fill' in Excel?

a) A tool to fill cells with a flash color
b) A feature that automatically fills in data based on a pattern
c) A method to quickly delete cell contents
d) A function to highlight cells

30. How can you split the text in a cell into multiple columns?

a) Using the 'Text to Columns' feature
b) Using the 'Split Cells' feature
c) Using the 'Divide Text' function
d) Using the 'Break Text' command

31. What is a 'Named Range' in Excel?

a) A range of cells with a specific name
b) A function name
c) A title for a chart
d) A name given to a formula

32. What is 'Goal Seek' used for in Excel?

a) To find a specific goal in a dataset
b) To achieve a specific result in one cell by adjusting the value of another cell
c) To seek out errors in data
d) To search for a specific value in a column

33. How do you create a drop-down list in a cell in Excel?

a) Use the 'Drop-Down' function
b) Use the 'Data Validation' feature
c) Type in each item separated by a comma
d) Use the 'List Box' tool

34. What is a 'Macro' in Excel?

a) A large worksheet
b) A function for complex calculations
c) A set of pre-recorded commands to automate repetitive tasks
d) An enhanced chart type

35. What is 'Freeze Panes' in Excel?

a) A function to lock the value of cells
b) A feature to keep rows and/or columns visible while scrolling through a worksheet
c) A method to cool down overheated formulas
d) A tool to freeze cell formatting

36. How can you quickly remove duplicates in Excel?

a) Use the 'Remove Duplicates' feature
b) Manually delete duplicate rows
c) Use the 'Find and Replace' tool
d) Sort the data and delete duplicates

37. What does the 'COUNTIF' function do in Excel?

a) Counts the number of cells that meet a specified criterion
b) Adds all the cells that meet a certain condition
c) Identifies if there are any cells that meet a specific criterion
d) Divides cells based on a condition

38. What is the keyboard shortcut to insert a new worksheet in Excel?

a) Ctrl + N
b) Ctrl + T
c) Shift + F11
d) Alt + N

39. How do you create a 3-D reference in Excel?

a) By linking three worksheets
b) By using a formula that refers to the same cell or range on multiple worksheets
c) By creating a 3-D chart
d) By using a special 3-D formula

40. What does 'Filtering' data do in Excel?

a) Changes the data formatting
b) Deletes unwanted data
c) Temporarily hides rows or columns that do not meet the specified criteria
d) Permanently removes data that doesn't meet a criterion

41. What is a '3D Formula' in Excel?

a) A formula that creates a three-dimensional chart
b) A formula that references the same cell or range in multiple worksheets
c) A formula used exclusively for financial modeling
d) A formula that calculates volume

42. What is the function of 'Find & Select' in Excel?

a) To find a specific function or formula
b) To select a specific range of cells
c) To find and highlight specific values or data formats
d) To search for and install new Excel add-ins

43. What does the 'IFERROR' function do in Excel?

a) Checks for errors and returns a specified value if an error is found
b) Identifies the type of error in a cell
c) Fixes errors in formulas
d) Generates an error report

44. How can you quickly calculate the total of a range in Excel?

a) Use the SUM function
b) Use the AutoSum feature
c) Manually add each cell
d) Use the TOTAL function

45. What is a 'Sparkline' in Excel?

a) A type of data validation rule
b) A miniature chart in a worksheet cell
c) A tool to check for spelling errors
d) A feature to enhance cell colors

46. What is 'Grouping' in Excel?

a) Combining multiple cells into one
b) Summarizing data from different sheets
c) Outlining rows or columns to make a section collapsible
d) Creating a group of charts

47. What is 'Power Query' in Excel?

a) A feature to increase processing speed
b) A data connection technology that enables you to discover, connect, combine, and refine data across a wide variety of sources
c) A tool for creating powerful macros
d) An advanced charting technique

48. What does 'Slicer' refer to in Excel?

a) A tool for cutting data into smaller parts
b) A feature for creating dynamic charts
c) A control tool for filtering data in tables, pivot tables, or pivot charts
d) A formula for slicing arrays

49. How do you lock cells to protect them from changes in Excel?

a) Format the cells as 'Read Only'
b) Use the Protect Sheet feature
c) Save the workbook as 'Read Only'
d) Use the Lock Cell command

50. What is the purpose of the 'Quick Analysis' tool in Excel?

a) To analyze data errors
b) To quickly format, create charts, or add various types of analysis like totals
c) To analyze the speed of Excel functions
d) To perform quick data entry


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