Difference Between == and is operator in Python

1. Introduction

In Python, == and is are operators used for comparison. While they seem similar, they serve different purposes. The == operator checks if the values of two operands are equal, comparing the values they hold. The is operator, however, checks whether two operands refer to the same object in memory, comparing their identities.

2. Key Points

1. Comparison Basis: == compares values, is compares object identities.

2. Use Case: Use == to check if values are identical, is to check if objects are the same.

3. Result: == returns True if values match, is returns True if object references are the same.

4. Mutability Impact: For mutable objects, == and is can yield different results.

3. Differences

Aspect == (Equality) is (Identity)
Comparison Basis Value Object identity
Use Case Value equality Object sameness
Result True if values are the same True if references are the same
Mutability Impact Results vary Results can be different for mutable objects

4. Example

# Example of ==
list1 = [1, 2, 3]
list2 = [1, 2, 3]
result_equal = (list1 == list2)

# Example of is
list3 = [1, 2, 3]
list4 = list3
result_is = (list3 is list4)


== Output:
is Output:


1. In the == example, list1 and list2 have the same values, so result_equal is True.

2. In the is example, list3 and list4 refer to the same list object, so result_is is True.

5. When to use?

- Use == when you need to compare the values of objects for equality.

- Use is when you need to determine if two variables point to the same object in memory.

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