Interpreter Design Pattern in Kotlin

1. Definition

The Interpreter Design Pattern provides a way to evaluate language grammar or expressions for particular languages. It primarily deals with the evaluation (interpretation) of these grammatical expressions.

2. Problem Statement

You need to design a system where you can easily evaluate and interpret expressions. These expressions follow a particular grammar or language. Implementing such a system without a pattern might lead to convoluted and hard-to-maintain code.

3. Solution

Represent the grammar of the language with a set of well-defined patterns and rules. For each rule, create a class that interprets the rule's pattern.

4. Real-World Use Cases

1. Regular expression evaluation and matching.

2. XML or JSON parsing.

3. Mathematical expression evaluators.

5. Implementation Steps

1. Define an abstract expression that declares an interpret operation.

2. For every rule in the grammar, create a concrete expression class.

3. The client creates instances of these concrete expression classes to interpret the specific expressions.

6. Implementation in Kotlin Programming

// Step 1: Define the Abstract Expression
interface Expression {
    fun interpret(context: String): Boolean
// Step 2: Concrete Expressions
class TerminalExpression(private val data: String) : Expression {
    override fun interpret(context: String): Boolean {
        return context.contains(data)
class OrExpression(private val expr1: Expression, private val expr2: Expression) : Expression {
    override fun interpret(context: String): Boolean {
        return expr1.interpret(context) || expr2.interpret(context)
class AndExpression(private val expr1: Expression, private val expr2: Expression) : Expression {
    override fun interpret(context: String): Boolean {
        return expr1.interpret(context) && expr2.interpret(context)
// Client code to interpret expressions
fun getMaleExpression(): Expression {
    val john = TerminalExpression("John")
    val robert = TerminalExpression("Robert")
    return OrExpression(john, robert)
fun getMarriedWomanExpression(): Expression {
    val julie = TerminalExpression("Julie")
    val married = TerminalExpression("Married")
    return AndExpression(julie, married)
fun main() {
    val isMale = getMaleExpression()
    val isMarriedWoman = getMarriedWomanExpression()
    println("John is male? ${isMale.interpret("John")}")
    println("Julie is a married woman? ${isMarriedWoman.interpret("Married Julie")}")


John is male? true
Julie is a married woman? true


1. We define an Expression interface with the interpret method.

2. TerminalExpression, OrExpression, and AndExpression are concrete implementations that interpret specific expressions.

3. In the client code, we build up a more complex expression by combining the simple terminal expressions. For instance, the getMarriedWomanExpression checks if a woman is named "Julie" and is "Married".

7. When to use?

Use the Interpreter pattern when:

1. The grammar of the language is simple.

2. Efficiency is not a critical concern.

3. You need to interpret expressions with specific and straightforward grammar.

Note: For complex grammars, tools like parsers or compilers are more suitable than hand-crafted interpreters.


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