The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle

The error "The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle" arises when you have a circular dependency between beans in a Spring application. This happens when one bean depends on another, and that bean directly or indirectly depends on the first bean. 

Let's illustrate with an example:

public class BeanA {
    private BeanB beanB;

public class BeanB {
    private BeanA beanA;

In the above example, we are using field-based injection. In modern versions of Spring, the container will detect circular dependencies regardless of whether you're using a constructor or setter/field-based injection.

In the above example, BeanA requires an instance of BeanB, and vice versa, forming a cycle. 

Here are a few strategies to break such circular dependencies:

Rethink Your Design

This should be the first approach. Often, circular dependencies suggest a potential flaw in the design of the system. Consider breaking down the functionality of the beans further or introducing a third bean that handles the common functionality.

Lazily Initialize One Bean

You can mark one of the beans with the @Lazy annotation, which makes it initialize only when it's first accessed.

public class BeanA {
    private BeanB beanB;

Use @PostConstruct for Initialization Logic

If the cycle occurs due to some logic running immediately after bean creation, then you can use the @PostConstruct annotation. This ensures the logic runs only after both beans have been fully constructed.

public class BeanA {
    private BeanB beanB;

    public void initialize() {
        // logic that uses beanB

Java Config for Bean Creation

Explicitly control the creation of beans using Java configuration to manage their dependencies.

public class BeanConfig {

    public BeanA beanA() {
        return new BeanA();

    public BeanB beanB(BeanA beanA) {
        BeanB beanB = new BeanB();
        return beanB;

The important takeaway here is that while Spring provides mechanisms to handle circular dependencies, it's a design smell. Circular dependencies can make the code harder to maintain and test. Consider reevaluating the design and responsibilities of your components to see if the circularity can be eliminated.
