Hibernate LazyInitializationException: No Session Error

If you've been working with Hibernate, especially in a Spring environment, you've likely come across the LazyInitializationException. This exception typically contains a message similar to "failed to lazily initialize a collection, no session or session was closed." Let's dive into the cause and how to address it.

What is LazyInitializationException? 

Hibernate uses a proxy pattern to lazily load associations. If an association is marked as lazy (the default for collections), Hibernate will not fetch it from the database until it's accessed for the first time. The LazyInitializationException occurs when an entity tries to access a lazily-initialized property or collection, but the Hibernate session (in which the entity was originally loaded) is no longer active.


Accessing Entities Outside of Session: This is the most common reason. If you fetch an entity from the database in one transaction, close the session, and then try to access a lazy property of that entity in another session or without an active session, you'll get this exception. 

Serialization: Serializing a Hibernate proxy or entity to send to another layer (e.g., the frontend) might lead to this error when the entity is later deserialized and accessed. 

Eager vs Lazy Loading: By default, associations (@OneToMany and @ManyToMany) are lazy-loaded. When you try to access them without an active session, it causes the exception. 


Eager Loading: Use the fetch attribute of the @OneToMany or @ManyToOne annotations or the corresponding XML configuration.

@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private Set<Item> items;

Note: Eager loading might introduce performance problems if used indiscriminately.

Hibernate.initialize(): If you know you'll need to access a lazy property outside of the session, you can manually initialize it using Hibernate.initialize(property)

Transactional Service Methods: Ensure that the service method accessing the lazy association is annotated with @Transactional. This way, the Hibernate session remains open for the entire duration of the method. 

Open Session In View: In a Spring environment, the OpenSessionInViewFilter or OpenSessionInViewInterceptor can be used to keep the session open during the whole web request. However, this is a controversial pattern, as it can lead to performance problems and hidden bugs. Use it judiciously. 

DTO (Data Transfer Object): Instead of sending entities to the front end, convert them to DTOs. This way, you control exactly which data gets loaded and sent, avoiding lazy loading pitfalls. 

JPQL or Criteria API: Use JPQL (HQL) queries or Criteria API with JOIN FETCH clauses to explicitly load associations.

SELECT s FROM Student s JOIN FETCH s.courses WHERE s.id = :id

Avoid Lazy Loading: In scenarios where lazy loading causes more problems than benefits, consider avoiding it and using standard JDBC, JdbcTemplate, or another ORM that doesn't proxy entities.


The LazyInitializationException is a typical stumbling block for many Hibernate users. However, with a better understanding of how Hibernate sessions and lazy loading work, it's possible to make informed choices about fetching strategies and avoid these pitfalls. Always remember to balance the ease of development with application performance.


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