Docker Remove Images

In this quick guide, we’ll discuss the Docker command to remove one or more images and we will also demonstrate its use with a practical Spring Boot application example.

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Basic Syntax

To remove Docker images, the primary command you'll be using is docker rmi


docker rmi [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...]
Where IMAGE can be either the image ID or the image name.

Practical Examples

Pulling a Spring Boot Image:

Let's begin by pulling a sample Spring Boot application image from Docker Hub:
docker pull springio/gs-spring-boot-docker

Listing Images: 

To see the list of images:

docker images

From this list, identify the IMAGE ID or name of the image you intend to remove.

Removing a Single Image by ID:

Once you have the IMAGE ID, use the docker rmi command:
docker rmi <IMAGE_ID>

For instance, if your IMAGE ID is abcdef1234, you would run:

docker rmi abcdef1234

Removing a Single Image by Name:

 Alternatively, you can also remove an image by its name:

docker rmi springio/gs-spring-boot-docker

Removing Multiple Images: 

To delete multiple images at once, list their IMAGE IDs or names separated by spaces:

docker rmi <IMAGE_ID1> <IMAGE_ID2> <IMAGE_NAME1>

Force Removing an Image: 

Sometimes, an image might be in use by a stopped container. If you're sure about removing the image, you can force its removal:

docker rmi -f <IMAGE_ID_or_NAME>

Automated Cleanup: 

If you're looking to clean up multiple unused images, you might want to consider:

docker image prune

This command will remove all dangling images (images without a tag). If you wish to remove all unused images (not just the dangling ones), you can use:

docker image prune -a


Regularly cleaning up unused Docker images helps in maintaining a clean disk space and ensures smoother operations. Remember always to be cautious and double-check the images you're about to delete, especially in production environments. With docker rmi in your toolbox, you're now equipped to manage your Docker images effectively. Safe cleaning!

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