BeanInstantiationException in Spring Boot

In this post, we'll dive deep into what the BeanInstantiationException exception is, how to reproduce it, its common causes, and how to solve them. 

What is BeanInstantiationException? 

BeanInstantiationException is thrown when Spring's application context is unable to instantiate a bean. This can occur for a number of reasons ranging from issues with the bean's constructor to configuration errors.

How to Reproduce BeanInstantiationException 

To see this exception in action, let's consider a few scenarios.

1. Constructor Throws an Exception

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

public class MyService {
    public MyService() {
        throw new RuntimeException("Constructor failed!");

Running the above Spring Boot application will result in a BeanInstantiationException due to the exception thrown in the constructor.

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [com.example.springboot.MyService]: Constructor threw exception

2. Abstract Class or Interface 

If you mistakenly annotate an abstract class or an interface with @Component or @Service, Spring will fail to create a bean instance.

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

public abstract class AbstractService {
    // some methods...

3. No Default Constructor 

A class without a default constructor, where Spring doesn't have any way to provide the required arguments, can also cause this issue.

package com.example.demo;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class MyComponent {
    private final String name;

    public MyComponent(String name) { = name;

Common Causes and Solutions 

Now that we've seen how to reproduce the issue, let's look at the causes behind these scenarios and their respective solutions. 

1. Constructor Throws an Exception 

Cause: The bean's constructor threw an unchecked exception. 

Solution: Ensure the constructor does not throw any unchecked exceptions. If the construction logic involves any operation that might fail, it's generally a good idea to move such logic outside of the constructor to a @PostConstruct annotated method or handle them with appropriate checks.

2. Abstract Class or Interface 

Cause: Spring cannot instantiate an abstract class or an interface. 

Solution: Do not annotate interfaces or abstract classes with @Component, @Service, or similar annotations. If your goal is to define a common set of behaviors, consider using composition or ensure concrete implementations of the abstract classes/interfaces are available and properly annotated. 

3. No Default Constructor 

Cause: Spring requires a no-argument constructor to instantiate the bean, but it's not provided. 

Solution: Provide a default constructor for the bean. If you're using library classes or you can't modify the source directly, consider extending the class or using Java-based configuration to provide the necessary arguments for instantiation. 


BeanInstantiationException can seem intimidating at first, especially for newcomers to Spring Boot. However, with a proper understanding of its causes, it becomes a lot easier to debug and solve. By paying attention to the bean's lifecycle and how Spring manages beans, developers can avoid this exception and build more robust Spring Boot applications. Always refer to the exception stack trace for a clearer picture of what went wrong!

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