Spring MVC Quiz - MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

Spring MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a popular web framework built on top of the Spring Framework. It provides a flexible and powerful architecture for developing web applications. 

Test your understanding of Spring MVC with this quiz, featuring multiple-choice questions (MCQs) that cover various aspects of Spring MVC. 

Learn everything about Spring MVC: Spring MVC Tutorial

Check out 100+ quiz questions: 100+ Quiz Questions to Test Your Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Hibernate, REST API Skills

1. What does MVC stand for in Spring MVC?

a) Multi-View Controller
b) Module-View-Controller
c) Model-View-Controller
d) Model-Value-Configuration

2. What is Spring MVC

a) A programming language for web development.
b) A lightweight Java framework for building web applications.
c) A database management system for web applications.
d) A library for handling server-side rendering.

3. Which annotation is used to create a Spring MVC controller class?

a) @ControllerBean
b) @SpringController
c) @WebController
d) @Controller

4. Which of the following handles the HTTP request in Spring MVC?

a) DispatcherServlet
b) HandlerInterceptor
c) HttpListener
d) RequestHandler

5. Which annotation binds a method parameter to a named attribute?

a) @ModelAttribute
b) @ParameterAttribute
c) @BindAttribute
d) @RequestValue

6. How can you handle exceptions in Spring MVC?

a) @ExceptionHandler
b) @CatchException
c) @ErrorResolver
d) @ResolveError

7. What is the purpose of the ModelAndView object in Spring MVC?

a) To store and pass data between the controller and the view.
b) To define the layout and styling of the web application.
c) To handle user authentication and authorization.
d) To manage the application's data access layer.

8. Which annotation is used to bind a method parameter to a web request header?

a) @RequestHeader
b) @Header
c) @BindHeader
d) @HTTPHeader

9. How can you access request parameters in a Spring MVC controller method?

a) By using the @RequestParam annotation.
b) By accessing them directly from the HttpServletRequest object.
c) By using the @PathVariable annotation.
d) By using the @RequestHeader annotation.

10. In Spring MVC, what is the role of the ViewResolver?

a) Resolving bean dependencies
b) Handling exceptions
c) Resolving views to specific URLs
d) Handling request parameters

11. Which annotation is used to denote a regular expression in URI template in Spring MVC?

a) @Regex
b) @PathVariable
c) @URIExpression
d) @MatchPattern

12. Which Spring MVC module provides integration with RESTful services?

a) Spring RestController
b) Spring REST
c) Spring Web MVC
d) Spring WebFlux

13. Which annotation indicates a method should handle HTTP POST requests?

a) @HttpPost
b) @PostHandler
c) @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
d) @PostMapping

14. What does the @ResponseBody annotation do?

a) It sends the return value of a method back to the web response body.
b) It binds the parameters of a method to the request body.
c) It triggers an exception handling method.
d) It binds the result of a method to a view.

15. How do you redirect to another URL in Spring MVC?

a) "redirect:/url_path"
b) "forward:/url_path"
c) "goto:/url_path"
d) "move:/url_path"

16. Which of the following annotations is used to handle multipart file uploads?

a) @FileUpload
b) @MultipartFile
c) @RequestFile
d) @UploadPart

17. How do you specify that a controller method should produce JSON as a response?

a) @Produces("application/json")
b) @ResponseBody(type="json")
c) @ResponseFormat("JSON")
d) @RequestMapping(produces="application/json")

18. Which of the following represents a form-backing bean in Spring MVC?

a) @FormEntity
b) @ModelEntity
c) @ModelAttribute
d) @BeanForm

19. Which of the following components decides which controller method is to be called for a request?

a) DispatcherServlet
b) Controller
c) HandlerMapping
d) ViewResolver

20. What does the @Valid annotation in Spring MVC do?

a) It ensures that the method is correctly overridden from a superclass.
b) It triggers validation of a method parameter or field.
c) It ensures that an HTTP request is valid.
d) It validates the return type of a method.

21. Which Spring annotation is used to handle Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in Spring MVC?

a) @CrossOrigin
b) @CORSHandler
c) @EnableCORS
d) @CORSConfig

22. Which Spring Boot Starter would you use for developing web applications?

a) spring-boot-starter-web
b) spring-boot-starter-jdbc
c) spring-boot-starter-data
d) spring-boot-starter-app

23. In which layer is Spring MVC used?

a) Data layer
b) Business layer
c) Presentation layer
d) Integration layer


Congratulations on completing the Spring MVC Quiz! Spring MVC is a powerful web framework that simplifies web application development using the Model-View-Controller design pattern. By testing your knowledge with these multiple-choice questions, you've gained a better understanding of Spring MVC concepts. 

Check out 100+ quiz questions: 100+ Quiz Questions to Test Your Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Hibernate, REST API Skills

Keep exploring and enhancing your skills to become proficient in building robust and scalable web applications with Spring MVC.


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