Servlet Quiz - MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions

Welcome to our Java Servlet quiz! This blog post presents a set of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) to test your knowledge of Java Servlet concepts.

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1. What does a servlet in Java do?

a) Serves static web pages
b) Handles client requests and generates dynamic content
c) Manages database connections
d) Handles email communication

2. Which method is used to initialize a servlet?

a) init()
b) start()
c) initialize()
d) setup()

3. Which method is used to handle GET requests in a servlet?

a) doPost()
b) doGet()
c) service()
d) handleGet()

4. Which method is used to handle POST requests in a servlet?

a) doPost()
b) doGet()
c) service()
d) handlePost()

5. Which method is called to destroy a servlet?

a) destroy()
b) stop()
c) finalize()
d) dispose()

6. Which of the following methods is used to read form data sent via a POST request in a servlet?

a) getRequestData()
b) getFormData()
c) getParameter()
d) getPostData()

7. What is the use of the HttpServletResponse's sendRedirect() method?

a) To forward the request to another resource within the same application
b) To redirect the client to another URL
c) To send an error response to the client
d) To include the content of another resource in the response

8. Which of the following is NOT a valid HTTP method that can be handled by a servlet?

a) GET

9. How can a servlet share data between requests for the same user?

a) Using instance variables
b) Using cookies
c) Using request attributes
d) Using servlet context

10. What is the default scope of a servlet attribute?

a) Request
b) Session
c) Application
d) Page

11. Which interface provides the methods to access servlet context information?

a) ServletConfig
b) ServletRequest
c) ServletContext
d) HttpServletRequest

12. How does a servlet filter work?

a) It filters the incoming HTTP request before it reaches the servlet
b) It filters the outgoing HTTP response after it leaves the servlet
c) It can filter both the request and response
d) It intercepts HTTP methods

13. Which of the following is NOT a valid servlet lifecycle method?

a) init()
b) service()
c) start()
d) destroy()

14. What is the purpose of the RequestDispatcher's forward() method?

a) To redirect the client to a new URL
b) To forward a request from one servlet to another within the same server
c) To send an error response to the client
d) To send a response back to the client

15. What is the purpose of the session.invalidate() method in a servlet?

a) To refresh the current session
b) To reset the session attributes
c) To invalidate and terminate the current session
d) To extend the session timeout

16. Which of the following is NOT a method of the HttpServletRequest interface?

a) getSession()
b) getCookies()
c) getOutputStream()
d) getParameter()

17. Which of the following statements is true about servlet context?

a) Servlet context is specific to each servlet
b) Servlet context is shared across the entire web application
c) Servlet context is created per user session
d) Servlet context is created per request

18. Which of the following is used to send binary data to the client in a servlet?

a) PrintWriter
b) DataOutputStream
c) ServletOutputStream
d) ObjectOutputStream

19. What is the default timeout period for an HTTP session in a servlet?

a) 15 minutes
b) 30 minutes
c) 60 minutes
d) No timeout

20. Which method is used to set a session attribute in a servlet?

a) setAttribute()
b) putAttribute()
c) addAttribute()
d) storeAttribute()

21. Which method is used to read the body of an HTTP request in a servlet?

a) getInputStream()
b) getBody()
c) readRequestBody()
d) readInputStream()

22. Which of the following is used to pass initialization parameters to a servlet?

a) ServletConfig
b) ServletContext
c) HttpServletRequest
d) HttpSession

23. What does the term "idempotent" refer to in the context of HTTP methods?

a) A method that changes server state
b) A method that can be safely repeated without changing the outcome
c) A method that requires user authentication
d) A method that always returns the same status code

24. What is the purpose of the @WebServlet annotation in a servlet?

a) To specify the servlet's URL mapping
b) To define the servlet's lifecycle methods
c) To specify the servlet's initialization parameters
d) To configure servlet filters

25. Which HTTP status code is sent when a servlet cannot find the requested resource?

a) 404 Not Found
b) 500 Internal Server Error
c) 403 Forbidden
d) 401 Unauthorized

26. What is the primary role of a servlet filter?

a) To handle client requests directly
b) To transform the request and response objects
c) To generate dynamic content
d) To establish database connections

27. Which method is used to retrieve an array of cookies in a servlet?

a) getCookies()
b) getCookieArray()
c) getAllCookies()
d) retrieveCookies()


We hope you enjoyed our Java Servlet quiz! Assessing your knowledge through multiple choice questions helps reinforce your understanding of servlet concepts.

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