JPA Quiz - MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions

Welcome to our JPA (Jakarta Persistence API) quiz! In this blog post, we present a set of 20+ Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) to test your knowledge of Jakarta Persistence API (JPA) concepts. 

JPA is a standard specification that defines the Java interfaces and annotations for object-relational mapping (ORM) in Java applications. Let's put your understanding of JPA to the test and enhance your skills in Java persistence.

1. What does JPA stand for?

a) Java Persistence API
b) Java Programming API
c) Java Platform API
d) Java Processing API

2. Which annotation is used to mark a class as an entity in JPA?

a) @Table
b) @Entity
c) @Persistence
d) @Data

3. Which annotation is used to specify the primary key of an entity in JPA?

a) @PrimaryKey
b) @Id
c) @Key
d) @Primary

4. Which annotation is used to map a field to a column in a database table in JPA?

a) @Column
b) @Field
c) @Data
d) @Map

5. What is the default fetch type for @OneToMany and @ManyToMany relationships in JPA?


6. What is the purpose of the @GeneratedValue annotation in JPA?

a) To specify a generated value for a column
b) To specify a custom generator for primary keys
c) To specify that a field should not be persisted
d) To map a relationship between entities

7. Which strategy is used by default for @GeneratedValue in JPA?


8. Which of the following annotations is used to specify a one-to-one relationship in JPA?

a) @OneToOne
b) @OneToMany
c) @ManyToOne
d) @ManyToMany

9. Which JPA annotation is used to specify a mapping to a join table?

a) @JoinTable
b) @JoinColumn
c) @MappedSuperclass
d) @Embedded

10. What does the @Transient annotation do in JPA?

a) It maps a transient field to a database column
b) It indicates that a field should not be persisted to the database
c) It marks a field as the primary key
d) It specifies a temporary table

11. Which annotation is used to define a composite primary key in JPA?

a) @Id
b) @IdClass
c) @EmbeddedId
d) Both b) and c)

12. What is the purpose of the EntityManager in JPA?

a) To manage database connections
b) To perform CRUD operations on entities
c) To handle transactions
d) All of the above

13. How do you start a transaction in JPA?

a) EntityManager.begin()
b) Transaction.begin()
c) EntityTransaction.begin()
d) EntityManagerFactory.begin()

14. Which method is used to persist an entity in JPA?

a) save()
b) persist()
c) merge()
d) store()

15. What does the merge() method do in JPA?

a) It saves a new entity
b) It updates an existing entity or saves a new one if it doesn't exist
c) It deletes an entity
d) It retrieves an entity from the database

16. Which annotation is used to define a named query in JPA?

a) @Query
b) @NamedQuery
c) @QueryDef
d) @JPQL

17. Which JPA feature allows for automatically generating schema definitions?

a) SchemaTool
b) SchemaGen
c) SchemaExporter
d) Schema Generation

18. What is JPQL in JPA?

a) A Java-based query language for operating on entities
b) A SQL-based query language for operating on tables
c) A JSON-based query language
d) A procedural query language for stored procedures

19. Which of the following is a valid JPQL query?

a) SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.salary > 50000
b) SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE salary > 50000
c) SELECT, e.salary FROM Employee e
d) SELECT, e.salary FROM Employee

20. What is the default cascade type for relationships in JPA?

a) ALL


Congratulations on completing our JPA quiz! We hope you found it informative and enjoyed testing your knowledge of JPA concepts. Learn everything about JPA: JPA Tutorial - Java Persistence API.

Keep exploring JPA and practicing its various features and annotations to strengthen your skills in Java persistence.


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