Java Swing Quiz - MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions

Welcome to our Java Swing quiz! Java Swing is a powerful GUI (Graphical User Interface) toolkit for building desktop applications in Java. 

In this blog post, we present a set of twenty-five multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to test your understanding of Java Swing concepts. Let's challenge your knowledge of Swing components, layout managers, event handling, and more. 

Learn Java Swing: Java Swing Tutorial

Learn and Master Java Programming: Learn Java Programming with Examples

Check out 100+ quiz questions: 100+ Quiz Questions to Test Your Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Hibernate, REST API Skills

The answer and explanation of each question have given at the end of this post.

1. What does GUI stand for? 

a) Graphical User Interface 

b) General User Interface 

c) Graphics Utility Interface 

d) Graphical Utility Interface 

2. Which package contains the Java Swing classes? 

a) java.lang 


c) java.util 

d) javax.swing 

3. Which class is used as the base class for all Swing components? 

a) Component 

b) Container 

c) JPanel 

d) JFrame 

4. Which layout manager is used by default for JFrame? 

a) BorderLayout 

b) FlowLayout 

c) GridLayout 

d) CardLayout 

5. Which class is used to create a button in Java Swing? 

a) JButton 

b) JLabel 

c) JRadioButton 

d) JTextArea 

6. Which event listener interface is used for handling button click events? 

a) ActionListener 

b) ItemListener 

c) MouseListener 

d) KeyListener 

7. What is the purpose of the setVisible() method in JFrame? 

a) To set the size of the frame 

b) To set the title of the frame 

c) To make the frame visible on the screen

d) To close the frame 

8. Which method is used to add components to a container in Java Swing? 

a) add() 

b) setComponent() 

c) insert() 

d) append() 

9. What is the purpose of the setLayout() method in Java Swing? 

a) To set the background color of a component 

b) To set the size of a component 

c) To set the layout manager for a container 

d) To set the font style for a component 

10. Which layout manager is used to arrange components in a grid-like structure? 

a) BorderLayout 

b) FlowLayout 

c) GridLayout 

d) GridBagLayout 

11. What is the purpose of the repaint() method in Java Swing? 

a) To change the background color of a component 

b) To add a new component to a container 

c) To revalidate the layout of a container 

d) To redraw a component on the screen 

12. Which class is used to display text in Java Swing? 

a) JTextField 

b) JTextArea 

c) JLabel 

d) JList 

13. Which event listener interface is used for handling keyboard events? 

a) ActionListener 

b) ItemListener 

c) MouseListener 

d) KeyListener 

14. What is the purpose of the setResizable() method in JFrame? 

a) To set the size of the frame 

b) To set the title of the frame 

c) To make the frame resizable or non-resizable 

d) To close the frame 

15. Which class is used to display images in Java Swing? 

a) JButton 

b) JLabel 

c) JRadioButton 

d) JTextArea 

16. Which method is used to set the text content of a JTextField? 

a) setText() 

b) append() 

c) setLabel() 

d) setContent() 

17. What is the purpose of the setDefaultCloseOperation() method in JFrame? 

a) To set the size of the frame 

b) To set the title of the frame 

c) To specify the default close operation for the frame 

d) To close the frame 

18. Which class is used to display a list of selectable items in Java Swing? 

a) JTextField 

b) JTextArea 

c) JLabel 

d) JList 

19. Which event listener interface is used for handling mouse events? 

a) ActionListener 

b) ItemListener 

c) MouseListener 

d) KeyListener 

20. What is the purpose of the setEnabled() method in Java Swing? 

a) To set the size of a component 

b) To enable or disable user interaction with a component 

c) To set the background color of a component 

d) To set the font style for a component 

21. Which class is used to display a dropdown list of selectable items in Java Swing? 

a) JTextField 

b) JTextArea c

) JLabel 

d) JComboBox 

22. Which event listener interface is used for handling item selection events in a JComboBox? 

a) ActionListener 

b) ItemListener 

c) MouseListener 

d) KeyListener 

23. What is the purpose of the setToolTipText() method in JavaSwing? 

a) To set the size of a component 

b) To set the background color of a component 

c) To specify a tooltip text for a component 

d) To enable or disable user interaction with a component 

24. Which class is used to display tabbed panes in Java Swing? 

a) JTabbedPane 

b) JSlider 

c) JProgressBar 

d) JSpinner 

25. What is the purpose of the setIcon() method in Java Swing? 

a) To set the size of an icon 

b) To set the background color of an icon 

c) To specify an image icon for a component 

d) To enable or disable an icon

Answers and Explanations

Question 1


a) Graphical User Interface 


Graphical User Interface (GUI) stands for creating visual interfaces that allow users to interact with software applications. 

Question 2


d) javax.swing 


The javax.swing package contains the Java Swing classes for creating GUI components.

Question 3


a) Component 


The Component class is the base class for all Swing components. It provides common functionality for managing components.

Question 4


a) BorderLayout 


By default, JFrame uses the BorderLayout layout manager.

Question 5


a) JButton 


The JButton class is used to create a button in Java Swing.

Question 6


a) ActionListener


The ActionListener interface is used for handling button-click events.

Question 7


c) To make the frame visible on the screen 


The setVisible() method is used to make the frame visible on the screen.

Question 8


a) add() 


The add() method is used to add components to a container in Java Swing.

Question 9


c) To set the layout manager for a container 


The setLayout() method is used to set the layout manager for a container.

Question 10


c) GridLayout 


The GridLayout layout manager is used to arrange components in a grid-like structure.

Question 11


d) To redraw a component on the screen 


The repaint() method is used to redraw a component on the screen.

Question 12


c) JLabel 


The JLabel class is used to display images in Java Swing.

Question 13


d) KeyListener 


The KeyListener interface is used for handling keyboard events.

Question 14


c) To make the frame resizable or non-resizable 


The setResizable() method is used to make the frame resizable or non-resizable.

Question 15


b) JLabel 


The JLabel class is used to display images in Java Swing.

Question 16


a) setText()


The setText() method is used to set the text content of a JTextField.

Question 17


c) To specify the default close operation for the frame 


The setDefaultCloseOperation() method is used to specify the default close operation for the frame.

Question 18


d) JList 


The JList class is used to display a list of selectable items in Java Swing.

Question 19


c) MouseListener 


The MouseListener interface is used for handling mouse events.

Question 20


b) To enable or disable user interaction with a component 


The setEnabled() method is used to enable or disable user interaction with a component.

Question 21


d) JComboBox 


The JComboBox class is used to display a dropdown list of selectable items in Java Swing.

Question 22


b) ItemListener 


The ItemListener interface is used for handling item selection events in a JComboBox.

Question 23


c) To specify a tooltip text for a component 


The setToolTipText() method is used to specify a tooltip text for a component.

Question 24


a) JTabbedPane 


The JTabbedPane class is used to display tabbed panes in Java Swing.

Question 25


c) To specify an image icon for a component 


The setIcon() method is used to specify an image icon for a component.


Congratulations on completing our Java Swing quiz! We hope you found it informative and enjoyed testing your knowledge of Java Swing concepts. Swing provides a rich set of components and features for building GUI applications. 

Learn and Master Java Programming: Learn Java Programming with Examples

Check out 100+ quiz questions: 100+ Quiz Questions to Test Your Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Hibernate, REST API Skills

Keep exploring and practicing Java Swing to enhance your skills in creating interactive and visually appealing desktop applications.
