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This post contains a few useful Spring Framework (MCQ) multiple-choice questions (quiz) to self-test your knowledge of the Spring Boot framework.
Learn Spring Framework: Master Spring Framework
Check out 100+ quiz questions: 100+ Quiz Questions to Test Your Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Hibernate, REST API Skills.
1. What is the main purpose of the Spring Framework?
a) To provide a comprehensive programming and configuration model for Java-based enterprise applications
b) To provide a comprehensive programming and configuration model for JavaScript-based web applications
c) To provide a comprehensive programming and configuration model for PHP-based web applications
d) To provide a comprehensive programming and configuration model for Python-based web applications
2. What is the default scope of the Spring Bean?
a) singleton
b) prototype
c) request
d) session
3. Different ways to configure Spring-based applications?
a) XML-based configuration
b) Java-based configuration
c) Annotation-based configuration
d) All of the above
4. What is the purpose of the Spring IoC container?
a) To manage the lifecycle of beans and their dependencies
b) To handle the configuration of the application
c) To provide a caching mechanism for the application
d) To provide a security mechanism for the application
5. What is the purpose of the Spring MVC module?
a) To provide a web framework for building web applications
b) To provide a data access framework for accessing databases
c) To provide a caching framework for caching data
d) To provide a security framework for securing web applications
6. What are Spring stereotype annotations?
a) @Service
b) @Controller
c) @Repository
d) @Component
e) All of the above
7. What are two ways to achieve dependency Injection in Spring?
a) Using Getter and Setter methods
b) Using Setter and Constructor
c) Using Getter and Constructor
d) Using Setter and Factory methods
8. What is the scope of creating a new instance every time the bean is requested from the spring container?
a) singleton
b) prototype
c) request
d) session
9. What is the purpose of the Spring MVC module?
a) To provide a web framework for building web applications
b) To provide a data access framework for accessing databases
c) To provide a caching framework for caching data
d) To provide a security framework for securing web applications
10. Which is the front controller in Spring MVC?
a) DispatcherServlet
b) FrontDispatcherServlet
c) FrontControllerService
d) None of the above
11. Spring MVC Framework is designed based on which Design Pattern?
a) Model-View-Controller (MVC)
b) Layered pattern
c) Client-server pattern
d) None of the above
12. In Spring MVC, DispatcherServlet consults ____________ to map the logical view name with the actual view implementation
a) ViewResolver
b) Handler Mapper
c) Controller
d) Model
13. In Spring MVC web applications, all the HTTP requests first come to which component?
a) DispatcherServlet
b) Controller
c) HandlerMapper
d) None of the above
14. What is the purpose of the Spring JDBC module?
a) To provide a data access framework for accessing databases
b) To provide a web framework for building web applications
c) To provide aspect-oriented programming functionality
d) To provide caching functionality
15. Which Spring Framework module is used to implement cross-cutting concerns in Spring based-applications?
a) ORM
b) AOP
d) TXM
16. JdbcTemplate implements the below design pattern?
a) Strategy design pattern
b) Template Design pattern
c) Singleton design pattern
d) Decorator design pattern
17. Different ways to inject Spring beans in Spring-based applications?
a) Constructor based
b) Setter based
c) Field-based
d) All of the above
18. Are singleton beans thread-safe?
a) Yes
b) No
19. Which Spring annotation is used to create RESTful web services using Spring MVC?
a) @RestController
b) @Controller
c) @Component
d) @Rest
20. @RestController annotation is a combination of the below two annotations
a) @Component and @ResponseBody annotations
b) @Controller and @ResponseBody annotations
c) @Service and @ResponseBody annotations
d) None of the above
21. Which Spring annotation is used to handle HTTP POST requests?
a) @GetMapping
b) @PutMapping
c) @CreateMapping
d) @PostMapping
22. Which Spring annotation is used to handle HTTP GET requests?
a) @GetMapping
b) @PutMapping
c) @CreateMapping
d) @PostMapping
23. Which Spring annotation is used to handle HTTP DELETE requests?
a) @GetMapping
b) @PutMapping
c) @DeleteMapping
d) @PostMapping
24. Which Spring annotation is used to handle HTTP PUT requests?
a) @GetMapping
b) @PutMapping
c) @DeleteMapping
d) @PostMapping
25. Which annotation do we use to mark the class as a Service class/component?
a) @Component
b) @Service
c) @Controller
d) @Repository
26. What is the primary use of the Spring Security module?
a) To provide authentication and authorization for web applications
b) To provide data access and management
c) To provide Model-View-Controller architecture
d) To provide aspect-oriented programming functionality
27. Which Spring annotation is used to inject the Spring bean?
a) @Bean
b) @Autowired
c) @Service
d) @Inject
28. Which Spring annotation is used to extract the URI template variable value?
a) @PathVariable
b) @ParamRequest
c) @ModelAttribute
d) @RequestMapping
29. Which interface represents the Spring IOC container?
a) ApplicationContent
b) ApplicationContentFactory
c) SessionFactory
d) DispatchServlet
Spring Boot Quiz
There is a separate quiz for Spring Boot: Spring Boot Quiz - MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions.
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