Spring Boot Quiz - MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions

This post contains 30+ Spring Boot (MCQ) multiple-choice questions (quiz) to self-test your knowledge of the Spring Boot framework.

Learn and Master Spring Boot: Master Spring Boot

The questions are designed to test your knowledge and provide insightful explanations that enrich your learning experience. Let's get started!

1. Spring Boot is used for developing?

a) Web applications
b) Distributed applications (RESTful web services)
c) Microservices
d) All of the above


d) All of the above


Spring Boot is used to build a variety of applications, including web applications, distributed RESTful web services, and microservices. It simplifies development with features like embedded servers, auto-configuration, and pre-configured dependencies, making it suitable for all these use cases.

2. What is Spring Initializr?

a) A web-based tool to quickly generate Spring project template with predefined configurations and dependencies.
b) A command-line utility for generating a basic Spring Boot project structure.
c) A tool for initializing a Spring-based application with a specific set of dependencies.
d) A tool for creating a Spring Boot application with selected features.


a) A web-based tool to quickly generate Spring project template with predefined configurations and dependencies.


Spring Initializr is an online tool that simplifies the creation of new Spring applications by allowing developers to select dependencies and configurations, and then generate a ready-to-run project structure.

3. What feature of Spring Boot simplifies the configuration process?

a) Auto-configuration (Automatic configuration of beans and dependencies).
b) Annotations to configure beans and dependencies.
c) XML-based configuration support.
d) A command-line interface for configuring beans.


a) Auto-configuration (Automatic configuration of beans and dependencies).


Spring Boot's auto-configuration capability reduces the need for manual configuration. It scans the classpath and automatically configures beans and dependencies based on available libraries, following convention over configuration principles.

4. How can a Spring Boot application be packaged for deployment?

a) As a JAR file.
b) As a WAR file.
c) As a ZIP file.
d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.


Spring Boot applications can be packaged as JAR files for standalone execution, WAR files for deployment in a servlet container, and even as ZIP files in certain cases.

5. Which annotation is used to create RESTful web services in Spring Boot?

a) @RestController
b) @Controller
c) @Component
d) @Service


a) @RestController


The @RestController annotation in Spring Boot is used to define REST APIs. It combines @Controller and @ResponseBody, allowing methods to directly return data (usually in JSON format) instead of rendering a view.

6. Which Spring annotation is used to handle HTTP POST requests?

a) @GetMapping
b) @PutMapping
c) @CreateMapping
d) @PostMapping


d) @PostMapping


The @PostMapping annotation is used to map HTTP POST requests to specific methods in a Spring MVC controller. It's a shortcut for specifying the @RequestMapping annotation with RequestMethod.POST.

7. Which Spring annotation is used to handle HTTP GET requests?

a) @GetMapping
b) @PutMapping
c) @CreateMapping
d) @PostMapping


a) @GetMapping


The @GetMapping annotation is used to map HTTP GET requests to handler methods in Spring MVC controllers, simplifying the declaration of request mappings for GET requests.

8. Which Spring annotation is used to handle HTTP DELETE requests?

a) @GetMapping
b) @PutMapping
c) @DeleteMapping
d) @PostMapping


c) @DeleteMapping


The @DeleteMapping annotation maps HTTP DELETE requests to specific handler methods. It's a shorthand for @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.DELETE).

9. Which Spring annotation is used to handle HTTP PUT requests?

a) @GetMapping
b) @PutMapping
c) @DeleteMapping
d) @PostMapping


b) @PutMapping


The @PutMapping annotation is used to map HTTP PUT requests to controller methods. It provides an easy way to specify that a given method should handle PUT requests, often used for updates.

10. Which annotation is used to mark a class as a service component in Spring?

a) @Component
b) @Service
c) @Controller
d) @Repository


b) @Service


The @Service annotation is used in Spring to mark a class as a service layer component. It is used to define classes that contain business logic and are injected into other components via dependency injection.

11. Which class serves as the default implementation of the JpaRepository interface?

a) SimpleJpaRepository
b) JpaRepositoryImpl
c) CustomJpaRepository
d) DefaultJpaRepository


a) SimpleJpaRepository


The SimpleJpaRepository class is the default implementation of the JpaRepository interface. It provides basic CRUD functionality and other JPA operations in Spring Data JPA.

12. Which is the default HTML template engine provided by Spring Boot?

a) JSP
b) Freemarker
c) Thymeleaf
d) Groovy


c) Thymeleaf


Thymeleaf is the default HTML template engine in Spring Boot. It is designed to work well for both web and standalone environments, providing an easy-to-use way of rendering HTML templates in Spring applications.

13. Which starter dependency is used for developing web applications or RESTful web services in Spring Boot?

a) spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
b) spring-boot-starter-web
c) spring-boot-starter-rest
d) spring-boot-starter-web-dependency


b) spring-boot-starter-web


The spring-boot-starter-web dependency includes everything necessary to develop web applications and RESTful APIs, including an embedded web server (Tomcat), Spring MVC, and other essential components.

14. What is the purpose of Spring Boot Actuator?

a) To provide production-ready features such as monitoring and metrics.
b) To configure beans using annotations.
c) To run Spring Boot applications as a service.
d) To access the underlying database of a Spring Boot application.


a) To provide production-ready features such as monitoring and metrics.


Spring Boot Actuator provides a set of production-ready tools for monitoring and managing applications. It includes various endpoints to check health, metrics, and other runtime data, making it easier to manage the application in a production environment.

15. How can you specify the port on which a Spring Boot application runs?

a) By modifying the application.properties file.
b) By modifying the application.yml file.
c) By using the --server.port command-line option.
d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.


The server port for a Spring Boot application can be specified in several ways, including setting it in application.properties or application.yml, passing it as a command-line argument, or programmatically within the code.

16. What is the purpose of Spring Boot DevTools?

a) To run Spring Boot applications in a development environment.
b) To provide hot-reloading of code changes and automatic application restart.
c) To run Spring Boot applications as a service.
d) To access the underlying database of a Spring Boot application.


b) To provide hot-reloading of code changes and automatic application restart.


Spring Boot DevTools speeds up the development process by providing features such as automatic application restart and live reloading of code changes, making it easier to see updates without restarting the entire application manually.

17. What is the main difference between Spring and Spring Boot?

a) Spring is a Java framework, while Spring Boot is a Java library.
b) Spring Boot provides pre-configured defaults, while Spring offers manual configurations.
c) Spring Boot is a lightweight version of Spring, while Spring is a full-featured framework.
d) Spring Boot is a front-end framework, while Spring is a back-end framework.


b) Spring Boot provides pre-configured defaults, while Spring offers manual configurations.


Spring is a comprehensive framework for Java application development, while Spring Boot is an extension that simplifies the process by providing sensible defaults, auto-configuration, and embedded servers.

18. What is the default logging implementation in Spring Boot?

a) Log4j
b) Logback
c) SLF4J
d) Java Util Logging (JUL)


b) Logback


Spring Boot uses Logback as the default logging framework, which is a highly configurable and efficient implementation of SLF4J, providing powerful logging capabilities out-of-the-box.

19. What is the purpose of the @SpringBootApplication annotation?

a) To enable Spring Boot auto-configuration.
b) To define a Spring Boot starter class.
c) To define a Spring Boot controller.
d) To define a Spring Boot service.


a) To enable Spring Boot auto-configuration.


The @SpringBootApplication annotation enables auto-configuration, component scanning, and configuration within a Spring Boot application, making it the entry point for the Spring Boot framework.

20. Which annotation does Spring Boot provide for integration testing?

a) @SpringBootTest
b) @WebMvcTest
c) @DataJpaTest
d) None of the above


a) @SpringBootTest


@SpringBootTest is the annotation provided by Spring Boot for integration testing. It loads the full application context, making it ideal for testing the entire application setup in a Spring Boot environment.

21. Which annotation is used to unit test Spring MVC controllers?

a) @SpringBootTest
b) @WebMvcTest
c) @DataJpaTest
d) None of the above


b) @WebMvcTest


@WebMvcTest is used to unit test Spring MVC controllers in isolation, without loading the entire application context. It provides auto-configuration of the web layer for focused testing.

22. Which Spring Boot annotation is used to unit test Spring Data JPA repositories?

a) @SpringBootTest
b) @WebMvcTest
c) @DataJpaTest
d) None of the above


c) @DataJpaTest


@DataJpaTest is used to test the repository layer in Spring Boot, providing necessary components like an in-memory database and initializing Spring Data JPA for repository testing.

23. Which Spring annotations are commonly used for exception handling?

a) @ControllerAdvice
b) @ExceptionHandler
c) @ResponseStatus
d) All of the above


d) All of the above


Spring provides several annotations for handling exceptions, including @ControllerAdvice for global exception handling, @ExceptionHandler for handling specific exceptions, and @ResponseStatus for sending appropriate HTTP response codes.

24. What is the minimum Java version required to use Spring Boot 3?

a) Java 8
b) Java 11
c) Java 17
d) Java 10


c) Java 17


Spring Boot 3 requires Java 17 as the minimum version. Older versions of Java, such as Java 8 and Java 11, are not supported by Spring Boot 3.

25. What is the main difference between PUT and PATCH in a REST API?

a) PUT completely updates an existing resource, while PATCH modifies only the fields specified in the request.
b) PUT is used to update the resource, while PATCH is used to create a resource.
c) PUT is used to retrieve data, while PATCH is used to update data.
d) PUT is used to delete the resource, while PATCH is used to update it.


a) PUT completely updates an existing resource, while PATCH modifies only the fields specified in the request.


In RESTful APIs, PUT is used to completely replace a resource, while PATCH is used to make partial updates, modifying only the specified fields in the request body.

26. What is the purpose of the @PathVariable annotation in Spring Boot?

a) To bind query parameters to method arguments
b) To extract values from the URL path and bind them to method parameters
c) To map form data to a model object
d) To handle file uploads in web applications


b) To extract values from the URL path and bind them to method parameters


The @PathVariable annotation in Spring Boot is used to bind values from the URL path to method parameters in a controller. It allows you to capture dynamic parts of the URL and use them within the method for processing, such as retrieving specific resources based on an ID passed in the URL.

27. What is the role of the @Profile annotation in Spring Boot?

a) To specify which bean should be loaded in different environments
b) To enable caching for specific beans
c) To configure database connections
d) To secure certain endpoints in the application


a) To specify which bean should be loaded in different environments


The @Profile annotation in Spring Boot is used to conditionally load beans based on the active profile. Profiles allow you to define different configurations for different environments, such as development, testing, and production, and only the beans marked with the active profile will be loaded during application startup.

28. Which annotation is used to create asynchronous methods in Spring Boot?

a) @Scheduled
b) @Async
c) @Transactional
d) @Autowired


b) @Async


The @Async annotation in Spring Boot is used to make a method asynchronous, allowing it to run in a separate thread without blocking the main execution flow. When applied to a method, Spring will execute the method in the background, returning immediately to the caller while the task continues to run.

29. What is the use of the @ExceptionHandler annotation in Spring Boot?

a) To handle scheduled tasks
b) To map HTTP requests to methods
c) To handle exceptions in a specific controller or globally
d) To manage database transactions


c) To handle exceptions in a specific controller or globally


The @ExceptionHandler annotation in Spring Boot is used to define methods that handle specific exceptions in a controller. It allows you to manage exceptions that occur within the controller by providing custom responses or actions when an exception is thrown, enhancing error handling in the application.

30. What is the use of the @Transactional annotation in Spring Boot?

a) To define the transaction isolation level
b) To manage database transactions automatically
c) To handle security configurations
d) To execute methods asynchronously


b) To manage database transactions automatically


The @Transactional annotation in Spring Boot is used to manage database transactions automatically. When applied to a method or class, it ensures that all database operations within the method are executed within a single transaction. If any exception occurs, the transaction is rolled back, ensuring data consistency. It simplifies transaction management in applications.


Congratulations on completing the Spring Boot quiz! We hope it challenged your knowledge and provided valuable insights into Spring Boot concepts. Assessing your understanding of the framework is crucial for building robust and efficient applications. 

Keep learning, keep coding, and embrace the power of Spring Boot!
