Free Spring Boot Microservices Open Source Projects | GitHub | Download

In this article, I suggest a few free, open-source MicroServices projects developed using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud for learning purposes. 

Spring Boot is the most popular Java framework for building MicroServices. 

Spring Cloud is a framework for building robust cloud applications. The framework facilitates the development of applications by providing solutions to many of the common problems faced when moving to a distributed environment.

Spring Cloud is essentially an implementation of various design patterns that are followed while building Cloud Native applications.
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YouTube Video

This post is explained in detail in the YouTube video:

1. PiggyMetrics

PiggyMetrics  - A simple way to deal with personal finances.

PiggyMetrics was developed using Microservice Architecture with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Docker.

GitHub repository link -

You will learn:
  • Microservice Architecture
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Cloud 
  • Docker
  • MongoDB
  • RabbitMQ
PiggyMetrics was decomposed into three core microservices. All of them are independently deployable applications organized around certain business domains.
PiggyMetrics is open source, and you can make contributions and suggestions for improvements.

2. Shopping Cart App

This is a shopping cart application developed using Microservice Architecture with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud.
Here are the microservices:
  1. Catalog-service: It provides REST API to provide catalog information like products.
  2. Inventory-service: It provides a REST API to manage product inventory.
  3. Cart-service: It provides a REST API to hold the customer's cart details.
  4. Order-service: It provides a REST API to manage orders.
  5. Customer service: It provides a REST API to manage customer information.
  6. Shopping cart-ui: It is a customer-facing front-end web application.
Step by step tutorial series at

3. Spring Petclinic App

This Spring Petclinic application was developed using Microservice Architecture with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

Architecture diagram of the Spring Petclinic Microservices:
Spring Petclinic App

Spring Pet Clinic is open source, and you can make contributions and suggestions for improvements.

4. Movie Recommendations - Spring Cloud Example Project

This project demonstrates an end-to-end cloud-native platform using Spring Cloud for building a practical microservices architecture.

In this project, you will learn how to build microservice architectures with Spring Cloud and Docker. 

5. Spring Boot Cities

This is a sample project to demonstrate building and deploying a simple Spring Boot based microservice and a web app to consume the microservice.

You will learn:

  • Spring boot
  • Spring Cloud
  • Microservice
  • Maven

6. Microservices Demo Project

This is a sample project that demonstrates the Spring Cloud Project's most interesting features for building microservice-based architecture. 


This sample microservices-based system consists of the following modules:
  • gateway-service - a module that Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul for running Spring Boot application that acts as a proxy/gateway in our architecture.
  • config-service - a module that uses Spring Cloud Config Server to run the configuration server in native mode. The configuration files are placed on the classpath.
  • discovery-service - a module that, depending on the example, uses Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka or Spring Cloud Netflix Alibaba Nacos as an embedded discovery server.
  • employee-service - a module containing the first of our sample microservices that allows us to perform CRUD operation on an in-memory repository of employees
  • department-service - a module containing the second of our sample microservices that allows us to perform CRUD operation on an in-memory repository of departments. It communicates with employee-service.
  • organization-service - a module containing the third of sample microservices that allows us to perform CRUD operation on an in-memory repository of organizations. It communicates with both employee-service and organization-service.
The following picture illustrates the architecture described above:
Microservices Demo Project


  1. please make one of above video tutorial with explanation


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