All Spring Boot Starters with Examples

This post gives you an overview of all Spring boot starters with sample examples. Below table demonstrates the usage of all spring boot starters with a simple example.

Learn and master in spring boot on Master in Spring Boot
Learn and master in Spring framework on Master in Spring Framework
You can find the source code of all these spring boot starters at

Spring Boot Examples

The following sample applications are provided:
JMS consumer and producer using Apache ActiveMQ
REST service with production-ready features
Production-ready features using log4j 2 for logging (instead of logback)
Non-web application with production-ready features
Web UI example with production-ready features
Message-oriented application using AMQP and RabbitMQ
Executable JAR build using Ant
Demonstrates explicit usage of Spring AOP
Chat service built using Atmosphere
Define and run a Batch job in a few lines of code
Web application that uses Spring’s cache abstraction
Creates custom Jar Layout
Stores data using Spring Data Cassandra
Stores data using Spring Data Couchbase
Stores data using Spring Data Elasticsearch
Stores data using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate
Stores data using Spring Data LDAP
Stores data using Spring Data MongoDB
Stores data using Spring Data Neo4j
Stores data using Spring Data Redis
RESTful service built using Spring Data REST
Stores data using Spring Data Solr
Using DevTools for rapid application development
Database migrations with Flyway
RESTful API built using Spring Hateoas
Integration application built using Spring Integration and its Java DSL
RESTful service built using Jersey
Embedded Jetty
Embedded Jetty configured to use SSL
Web application that uses JSP templates with Jetty
Stores data using jOOQ
Uses plain JPA (Hibernate)
JTA transactions with Atomikos
JTA transactions with Bitronix
JTA transactions using a TransactionManager and DataSource from JNDI
Demonstrates JUnit Jupiter-based testing
Consumer and producer using Apache Kafka
Database migrations with Liquibase
Demonstrates Spring Boot’s custom Logback functionality configured in logback-spring.xml
Demonstrates support for Dropwizard metrics
Exports metrics to OpenTSDB
Exports metrics to Redis
Configure an OAuth2 login client
Configure a Reactive OAuth2 login client
Configure an OAuth2 resource server
Configure a Reactive OAuth2 resource server
Application that uses an ApplicationContext with a parent
Demonstrates some of Spring Framework’s @Profile capabilities
Demonstrates the usage of @ConfigurationProperties with a Spring Validator
Non-web application that uses Spring Security
Web application with a "raw" Servlet returning plain text content
Web Application that uses Spring Session to manage session data
Simple command line application
Demonstrates Spring Boot’s testing capabilities
Demonstrates TestNG-based testing
Embedded Tomcat
Web application that uses JSP templates with Tomcat
Web application that uses Tomcat configured with multiple connectors
Web application that uses Tomcat configured with SSL
Traditional WAR packaging (but also executable using java -jar)
Embedded Undertow
Embedded Undertow configured to use SSL
Web application packaged as a war file
Web application that uses FreeMarker templates
Web application that uses Groovy templates
Web application that uses JSP templates
Web application with Security configuration enabling global method security
Web application that uses Mustache views
Web application with typical Security configuration enabling a login form
Web application with custom Spring Security configuration
Web application with Spring Security configured to use JDBC authentication
Web application that serves static files
Web application with a basic UI built using Bootstrap and JQuery
Simple contract-first SOAP web service with Spring Web Services
WebSocket application that uses Jetty
WebSocket application that uses Tomcat
WebSocket application that uses Undertow
Example show how Spring Boot can be mixed with traditional XML configuration (we generally recommend using Java @Configuration whenever possible
Learn and master in spring boot on Master in Spring Boot
Learn and master in Spring framework on Master in Spring Framework
