How to Create a Simple Maven Project in Eclipse

In this article, we will show you how to create a simple maven project in Eclipse IDE.
We can also create a simple maven project using the command line, check out the same at Create a Simple Maven Project using Command-Line.


This tutorial is explained in the below Youtube Video. Subscribe to my youtube channel to learn more about Spring boot at Java Guides - YouTube Channel.

Tools and technologies used

  • Eclipse Neon
  • Maven - 3.5.3
  • JDK - 1.8
Let's create step by step a simple maven project in Eclipse IDE.


  • Open Eclipse
  • Click on File -> New -> Maven Project


Click on Checkbox for both
  • Create a simple project
  • Use default Workspace location
  • Click on next button 


Provide GroupId and ArtifactId in next screen.
  • GroupId: net.javaguides.maven-demo
  • Artifact Id: maven-demo-project
  • Name: maven-demo-project
  • Description: Simple Maven Demo Project


And you are all set. You should see a new Project in Eclipse with below structure.


As you can see in the maven project structure, the default java compiler version ( i.e. source and target setting ) is 1.5. To change the default settings, add the following snippet to pom.xml.

After changes in pom.xml file, update the maven project. To update maven project right click on maven-projectMavenUpdate Project.


Add some dependencies to pom.xml file. Here we are adding junit dependency to pom.xml.
    <description>Simple Maven Demo Project</description>

Let's test our created project by creating a simple JUnit test.


Create a package, named as net.javaguides.simpleproject, under src/test/java folder. Now create a class under src/test/java package and write the following code in it.

package net.javaguides.simpleproject;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

public class AppTest {
    public void test() {
        Assert.assertEquals("Hello Maven", new String("Hello Maven"));


Run your first maven project. Right click on → Run as → JUnit Test.


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