REST API: REST Architectural Constraints

Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style for designing networked applications. REST defines six architectural constraints that make a web service a true RESTful API. These constraints ensure that the API is scalable, performant, and easy to use. In this blog post, we will explore each of these constraints in detail.

The Six Architectural Constraints of REST

1. Client-Server

Description: The client-server constraint separates the user interface (client) from the data storage and processing (server). This separation allows clients and servers to evolve independently, enhancing scalability and flexibility.


  • Simplifies the client by handling data storage and business logic on the server.
  • Allows for the independent development and deployment of client and server.

Example: In a social media application, the client (web or mobile app) requests user data from the server, which handles data retrieval, processing, and storage.

2. Stateless

Description: The stateless constraint ensures that each client request contains all the information needed to process it. The server does not store any client context between requests, making each request independent.


  • Simplifies server design as it does not need to maintain session state.
  • Enhances scalability by allowing the server to handle more requests without storing client-specific data.

Example: When a user requests their profile data, the request includes all necessary authentication information. The server processes the request without needing to remember previous interactions.

3. Cacheable

Description: Responses from the server should be explicitly marked as cacheable or non-cacheable. This allows clients and intermediaries to cache responses, reducing the load on the server and improving performance.


  • Reduces server load by caching frequently accessed resources.
  • Improves response times for clients by serving cached data.

Example: A news website API can mark the list of latest articles as cacheable for a few minutes. Subsequent requests within this period are served from the cache, reducing server load.

4. Uniform Interface

Description: The uniform interface constraint ensures that a standard method of communication is used across the API, simplifying and decoupling the architecture. This includes:

  • Resource identification through URIs.
  • Manipulation of resources through representations (e.g., JSON, XML).
  • Self-descriptive messages.
  • Hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS).


  • Simplifies interactions between clients and servers.
  • Enhances visibility and consistency across the API.

Example: Using standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform CRUD operations on resources such as /users or /posts.

5. Layered System

Description: The layered system constraint allows an architecture to be composed of hierarchical layers. Each layer has a specific function, and components in one layer cannot see beyond the immediate layer they interact with.


  • Enhances scalability by enabling load balancing and shared caching.
  • Improves security by isolating layers and controlling access.

Example: A web application can use a load balancer to distribute requests across multiple servers, with caching servers in between to store frequently accessed data.

6. Code On Demand (Optional)

Description: The code-on-demand constraint allows servers to extend client functionality by sending executable code (e.g., JavaScript) to clients. This is the only optional constraint in REST.


  • Enhances client capabilities without requiring updates to the client application.
  • Reduces the need for pre-installed software on the client side.

Example: A web page can request a script from the server to dynamically update its content without requiring a full page reload.


Understanding and implementing the six architectural constraints of REST is essential for designing true RESTful APIs. By adhering to the principles of client-server, statelessness, cacheability, uniform interface, layered system, and optionally code on demand, developers can create scalable, performant, and maintainable web services. These constraints ensure that RESTful APIs deliver high performance, security, and flexibility, providing a seamless user experience.

