Maven Dependency Management

Maven is a powerful tool that simplifies the management of a project's dependencies. It automates the process of downloading and including the necessary libraries, which is essential for building Java applications. This blog post will cover the essential aspects of Maven's dependency management, including how to declare dependencies, the scope of dependencies, transitive dependencies, dependency management, and how to handle exclusions and conflicts. We will also provide a complete example to illustrate these concepts.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Dependencies
  2. Declaring Dependencies in POM
  3. Scope of Dependencies
  4. Transitive Dependencies
  5. Dependency Management
  6. Excluding Dependencies
  7. Repositories
  8. Resolving Conflicts
  9. Complete Example
  10. Conclusion

1. Understanding Dependencies

In Maven, a dependency is an external library or module required by your project. Dependencies are specified in the Project Object Model (POM) file. Maven uses these dependencies during the build process to ensure that all necessary components are available.

2. Declaring Dependencies in POM

Dependencies are declared in the <dependencies> section of the POM file. Each dependency is specified with the following elements:

  • groupId: The group or organization that the dependency belongs to.
  • artifactId: The unique identifier of the dependency.
  • version: The version of the dependency to be used.
  • scope: The phase of the build process during which the dependency is required.



3. Scope of Dependencies

The scope element defines the visibility of a dependency. Maven supports several scopes:

  • compile: Default scope, available in all classpaths.
  • provided: Available during compilation but not included in the final package.
  • runtime: Available during runtime but not during compilation.
  • test: Only available during testing.
  • system: Similar to provided but requires the dependency to be explicitly provided.
  • import: Only available for dependencyManagement section, imports a dependency POM.



4. Transitive Dependencies

Maven resolves not only the direct dependencies but also the dependencies of these dependencies, known as transitive dependencies. This ensures that all required libraries are included in the build.


If junit depends on hamcrest-core, Maven will automatically include these transitive dependencies in the project.

5. Dependency Management

The <dependencyManagement> section is used to define a set of dependencies that can be inherited by child projects. It provides a central place to manage dependency versions.



6. Excluding Dependencies

In some cases, you may need to exclude specific transitive dependencies. This can be done using the <exclusions> element.



7. Repositories

Maven uses repositories to download dependencies. There are two types of repositories:

  • Local Repository: Located on the developer's machine, Maven caches downloaded dependencies here.
  • Remote Repository: Public repositories like Maven Central or custom company repositories where dependencies are hosted.

Configuring Repositories

Repositories can be configured in the POM file or in the Maven settings file (settings.xml).



8. Resolving Conflicts

When multiple versions of a dependency are included, Maven resolves conflicts using the nearest definition strategy. The version specified in the nearest POM file (closest to the project) takes precedence.


If both Project A and Project B include different versions of the same dependency, Maven will choose the version specified in the POM file of the project that is directly referenced.

Using Dependency Mediation

To explicitly control the version of a dependency, you can use the <dependencyManagement> section.



9. Complete Example

Let's put everything together with a complete example of a simple Java project.

Project Structure

│   pom.xml


<project xmlns=""


    <name>My Maven App</name>
    <description>Example Maven Project</description>







import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        System.out.println("Hello, Maven!");


import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;

public class AppTest {
    public void testApp() {

10. Conclusion

Maven simplifies dependency management by automating the download and inclusion of necessary libraries. Understanding how to declare dependencies, manage scopes, handle transitive dependencies, and resolve conflicts is crucial for efficient project management. The example provided demonstrates how to set up a basic Java project with Maven, ensuring that all necessary components are available for building and testing the application.
