Spring Framework 5

This tutorial covers all Spring framework concepts, examples, integrations, projects, etc with latest release Spring 5.

What's New in Spring Framework 5?

At a high level, features of Spring Framework 5.0 can be categorized into:

1. JDK baseline update - The entire Spring framework 5.0 codebase runs on Java 8. Therefore, Java 8 is the minimum requirement to work on Spring Framework 5.0.

2. Core framework revision - The core Spring Framework 5.0 has been revised to utilize the new features introduced in Java 8.

3. Core container updates - Spring Framework 5.0 now supports the candidate component index as an alternative to classpath scanning.

4. Functional programming with Kotlin - Spring Framework 5.0 introduces support for JetBrains Kotlin language. Kotlin is an object-oriented language supporting functional programming style. Kotlin runs on top of the JVM but is not limited to it.

5. Reactive Programming Model - An exciting feature in this Spring release is the new reactive stack Web framework. Being fully reactive and non-blocking, this stack is suitable for event-loop style processing that can scale with a small number of threads.

6. Testing improvements - Spring Framework 5.0 fully supports JUnit 5 Jupiter to write tests and extensions in JUnit 5. In addition to providing a programming and extension model, the Jupiter sub-project provides a test engine to run Jupiter-based tests on Spring.

7. Library Supports - Spring Framework 5.0 now supports the following upgraded library versions:
Discontinued Support - At the API level, Spring Framework 5.0 has discontinued support for the following packages:
  • beans.factory.access 
  • jdbc.support.native JDBC 
  • mock.staticmock of the spring-aspects module.
  • web.view.tiles2M. Now Tiles 3 is the minimum requirement.
  • orm.hibernate3 and  orm.hibernate4. Now, Hibernate 5 is the supported framework
Spring Framework 5.0 has also discontinued support for the following libraries:
  • Portlet.
  • Velocity.
  • JasperReports.
  • XMLBeans.
  • JDO.
  • Guava.
If you are using any of the preceding packages, it is recommended to stay on Spring Framework 4.3.x.

Check more detailed on  What's New in Spring Framework 5?

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